Year 5 Weekly Blog 10.02.23 ' Nothing brings people together like good food’

Here we are! The end of another half term and a week off for which is well deserved for the children. They have continued to learn and mature as role models of our school. The whole of the year 5 staff are proud of how the children have developed and look forward to the rest of the academic year. We started our week with a very exciting French lesson. As we continued our topic of money and shopping in France, the class turned into a restaurant for the afternoon as the children explored and tasted some classic French foods.

On Tuesday, it was all things computing as it was online safety day. This is a pivotal part of our curriculum as we focused on recognizing the risks of being online and how we can solve these problems. There was also a focus on the use of social media apps and discussing the age rating of each app.

We finished our week by joining up with our ‘buddy class’ for the first time since it was announced. We have been partnered up with Year 1 for our lenten box challenge. The children beautifully welcomed our younger children into our classroom and were partnered up together. They all know now who they are making lenten boxes for and have all got a lenten box slip which includes details about their partner. More information about the lenten boxes is on the homework blog.

In Maths, we have been powering through our division topic and the children have really worked hard throughout this unit. They have shown in every lesson that they are operating at a year 5 level but showing the learning attitude of year 6 children.

In RE, the children have been focusing on researching, as we have been looking at lots of inspirational people such as Father Damien, Sister Josephine and Pier Giorgio and researching their lives and how they all lived within the beatitudes.

In English/Science, we have continued to read through our book ‘The Universe’ and have been responding to the book by defining the vocabulary, discussing what we have learnt and applying this knowledge towards VIPERS questions.

Let’s Celebrate

Harvey and Georgia for being focused learners: For being so focused in our maths lessons. Your eagerness to be involved in our lessons is growing each day and you are wanting to get all of your work done.

Lily-Mae for being an inquisitive learner: For showing such a great interest in our space topic. You have even devoted your reading focus to non-fiction space books, which you have used to share with the class all of your newly learnt knowledge.


  • Judo Club- Will be available for Year 5/6 when we come back after half term. This will be every Friday at 8am

  • Sports Timetable- The newly updated sports timetable has been posted on the sports page. This includes changes to the netball schedule, football and netball matches returning and addition of new clubs.

  • World Book Day- Will be on 2nd March. Children can dress up as their favourite character from a book.