Year 5 Weekly Blog 21.12.23- ‘The best Christmas gift is to realise what we already have’

We are finally here! Here’s to the end of the final week of our longest half term and also the final school week of 2023! Although it was a shorter week than most, the week was still filled with lots of festive celebrations (with a little bit of work alongside it all). Our week started off with our Christmas concert performance at Church. Anyone who was able to attend any of the performances would sure agree that the children were absolutely fantastic. They blew us all away with their singing and it really was a joy to watch.

On Tuesday, our KS2 Christmas party took place with lots of fun, joy, dancing and laughter. The children’s behaviour and manner throughout the whole party was brilliant which allowed them to really enjoy the moment. We did try and limit the sugar intake throughout the day after the onslaught of cakes after our bake off so I am hoping the children were okay later that evening. On Wednesday, our wonderful catering team put together a fantastic Christmas dinner for us all in which we all enjoyed together.

Our final day consisted of us coming together one last time for a collective worship and for us to reflect on the journey of advent. After a full class tidy up and a very competitive Christmas quiz, we finished our day with a Christmas film. The Year 5 team wish you all a very happy and merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in 2024!

To finish our forces topic off in Science, we looked at the force of ‘upthrust’ and how rockets use this to overcome the power of gravity. We made our own rockets using just elastic bands and kitchen roll tubes and we looked at how we can improve our rocket to allow it to travel faster through the air.

Here our some pictures from the children’s enrichment afternoon last week with Mrs Lyons- in which there was lots of festive baking taking place.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Erin and Esther for being learners of the term- You two have really displayed all of our learning characters this year. You both are such lovely girls and you are both so enthusiastic for your learning- which makes you excellent learning partners.

  • Bella and Roseanna for being faith-filled and hopeful learners- The way you two conduct yourselves both in and out of the classroom is excellent. You have such a calming and loving character in which you never have any issues out on the playground- but are always solving problems.


  • Homework- Please check the homework blog for tasks to do over the holidays.

  • Monday 8th January- School will re-open.