Year 5 Weekly Blog 1.12.31- ' It's not what is under the tree that matters, it's who is around it'

Another week has gone by as we have entered into Advent. The children’s spirits have been rising in the past few weeks as we lead up to Christmas so it has been wonderful for us to end the week at the start of December. The drastic drop in temperature hasn’t put the children off their learning either- including our outdoor science experiment this week- testing different surfaces for rolling friction.

This week we also started our Geography topic this week of rivers. The children have been looking at the different parts and features of a river and some of the rivers in the UK and around the world. I have been so impressed with the effort towards the river posters for the homework- some children have gone above and beyond with their work and have really earned their house points.

In English, we have been planning our own version of the Legend of Gelert and have begun our final writing piece for this topic. Again, I have been blown away with the children’s creative thinking and the way they bounce ideas off each other.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Millie and Ola for being co-operative and focused learners: These two learning qualities really do sum you too up.. I know I can trust you to work alongside anyone in the class and still show great teamwork and focus. Your eyes are always following the teacher and you understand when it is time to stop and listen and when it is time to get focused on your learning task. As our work load increases, these two qualities will prove to be vital in your progress throughout Year 5.

  • Michael for being a hopeful and faith-filled learner: Your manner and approach to games on the playground is fantastic. You never exclude anyone from any game, you are kind and considerate towards your team and the opposition and you never let your emotions get the better of you.


  • Christmas Bake Off- All information regarding this is live on the homework blog including rules, prices and format of the day. This will take place Friday 8th December.

  • Christmas Jumper Day- Will also take place on Friday 8th December. Please bring a £1 in if you are wearing a Christmas jumper.

  • Christmas Cards-As a school, we have decided that to save money and paper on buying Christmas cards for individual people, children are allowed to make 1 Christmas card which is for the whole class.

  • KS2 Christmas Concert- Will take place on Monday 18th December. The children will perform twice in church- 2:00pm and 6:00pm.

  • Juice- A reminder that only water is allowed to drink when in school. Due to an increase of metal bottles, this has become harder for staff to notice what is inside.