Year 2 Weekly Blog 13.10.23 - "Always try your best. What you plant now will Harvest later."

In RE this week we have been listening to the story of Abraham, how he had such deep faith and trust in God. The children have all retold this story and have shared special moments of their own when they have put their trust into someone and how this felt. We then went onto think about how we can show our faith in God.

Thursday was a very busy day for Year 2, we walked to church in the morning to celebrate Harvest. Thank you once again for your kind contributions, as a school we have a huge selection of different items that will now be distributed in our local area for those who need. In the afternoon our children took part in their wonderful assembly that they had been working so hard on this week and last. We are so proud of how well they worked together and how they helped one another to remember their parts and to overcome any nerves.

Magic Moments of the week! Our Assembly practice. Magnets in science and floating our boats!


A huge well done to Blythe who has been awarded for being a focused and determined learner! And to Logan for being an enthusiastic learner!

Of course we have also awarded the whole class a certificate for their wonderful assembly. What a team effort - everyone of you a super Roger Robin!

How to deepen your learning at home

Next week in RE we will be listening to the story of Moses and how God chose Moses to help his people. Why not follow the link below to discover a little about Moses before our learning.


  • Please make sure you have signed up for Parents day which is on Friday 20th October.

  • We kindly ask children to bring plain water (not cordial or juice) each day. Having plain water really helps if and when spills occur and keeps our teeth healthy!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

Miss Bassett, Mrs Hotchkiss, Mrs Maano and Mrs Johnson