Year 2 Weekly Blog 6.10.23 - "Happiness is not something ready made, it comes from your own actions."

In RE this week we have been reflecting on what makes a happy school, how our actions can help those around us. During our discussions I am always left in awe at just how deep our children think. Their discussion led them down the path of how we can help our wider world, their intentions, so pure, to help those less fortunate than ourselves. We related this back to our Harvest offerings and how this will help our local community.

On Wednesday afternoon our school had such an exciting time as all children experienced something new during our ‘Enrichment Afternoon’. Year 2 took a visit to Mrs Hartley’s classroom, where they experienced learning the German language and discovering about the German culture. The children came back into class with such delight as they shared their German flags and the German phrases that they had learnt.

Magic Moments of the week!

Learning German, makng boats and planting our acorns and horsee chestnuts!


A huge well done to Vincent who has been awarded for being an Enthusiastic learner, and to Eliza for being both a Focused and a Resilient learner!

How to deepen your learning at home

Next week in Geography we will be discovering all about animals around the world. Why not do your own research on one or two of your favourite animals. Can you find out where they live in the world?


  • Please make sure you have signed up for Parents day which is on Friday 20th October.

  • We have only have until Wednesday next week to bring our Harvest donations in. Year 2 are collecting tins of tuna. Please could we ask if you haven’t already donated to contribute to this charity that is in desperate need.

  • We kindly ask children to bring plain water (not cordial or juice) each day. Having plain water really helps if and when spills occur.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

Miss Bassett, Mrs Hotchkiss, Mrs Maano and Mrs Johnson