This week...

This week we have continued our exploration of ‘Harvest’. We talked about what Harvest means and all the foods that need harvesting to make sure that we have food for the winter months.

We also found out about wheat and made some bread, with the help of Pip. It was sooooo yummy! Click on the button below to find out more.

If you click here you can go down on the farm with Cbeebies, or click here to find out about bread With Auntie Mabel.

Bread making

Michelle’s blog

We have had another busy week of learning this week. We started the week by learning about harvest. We learnt where we get wheat from and how the wheat is made into flour. We then donned our aprons, rolled up our sleeves and made out own bread. It was delicious- we ate it at snack time and we liked it so much we did it again on Wednesday. We have been dancing all week to the harvest samba "cabbages and greens, broccoli and beans" Thank you to everyone who has sent in a donation of a tin of beans for the food bank. 

Here is a video of JoJo and Gran Gran finding out about harvest festival. Click here.

Our explorations of number continued as we met another one. One and another one makes two.

We have been practising hard writing the numerals 0 and 1.  Why don't you go on a number hunt? See if you can find number 1 in your house or out and about. You can always email your photos to us here at nursery.

We have been very enthusiastic at sharing traditional stories this week, using puppets to retell the stories and using the iPad to scan a QR code to listen to our favourite stories.

Stay safe from the big bad wolf and we will see you next week.


Emma’s blog

We have had a very busy week.

To start, we have been continuing to look after our bodies by doing lots of exercise activities, such as building an assault course to help us move our bodies. We climbed up and down differing levels of the crates and balanced along planks of wood. We have been practicing our aim by throwing balls through a hoop. The children loved doing this so much that I put up a hoop in between the trees as a permanent resource. This now means they are not having to use me as their hoop stand!

The children have been playing running games like 'Trolly trolly can we cross your river' and 'What Time is it Mr. Wolf'. In Mr. Nay’s outdoor PE lesson we practised running, hopping, jumping and throwing a ball high into the air. We have even played a game called 'hop and stop' which we all loved.

During our indoor PE lesson in the hall we has to listen and follow instructions. We had to walk (heel first), walk on our tip toes, walk backwards (toe first) and gallop. We had to remember where our special standing spot was when we moved away from It. We have definitely been working our bodies.

We have continued to look at healthy and non healthy foods, the children enjoy discussing all the healthy snacks that we eat.

Thank you for bringing in the cans of beans that we are collecting for the Harvest Festival. We have been very excited learning ‘The Harvest Samba’ song, which was on last weeks blog. We have even been doing the conga around the room!.

Inspired by our bread making we thought we would make our own playdough. We all got stuck in (literally ‘stuck in’ all the flour and water!!). The children enjoyed getting messy by mixing the mixture with their hands. We used a whole bag of flour and it made a lot of playdough; enough for the children to all have a go at dough disco. This activity really helps to strengthen the children's fine motor muscles, which helps to develop strong pencil grip, which in turn will help with writing skills. Here is the dough disco video to try at home. Have fun! Click here

To keep to our Harvest learning thread, we printed with fruit and vegetables. The children enjoyed pressing the vegetables and fruit into the paint to see what shapes they made. They talked about how an apple made a heart shape and if you roll baby sweetcorn on the paper it made lots of dots.

We have had so much fun this week, I think we need a rest now so we can be ready for a new and exciting week at nursery next week.

Have a lovely weekend everyone



The aim of this session is for us to look after our God-given bodies. The children had to help Freddy Teddy to make good, healthy lifestyle decisions, including about exercise, diet, sleep and personal hygiene. Click on the button to access the story.

Purple Mash

You should all have received your login details and instructions to access Purple Mash. If you haven’t received them drop me an email or catch me at the gate. Keep a look out your child’s key person will be posting activities to do at home! Enjoy!

A big thank you to everyone that has brought in tins of beans. Don’t worry if you haven’t managed it yet we still have another week.

Lastly, if you check Emma’s post I have dropped in some useful information about ‘movement’ and ‘early mark making’. Try and take a look if you have time.

I am praying for fine weather this weekend, fingers crossed.

God Bless
