‘For to us a child is born, to us a son is given’
Isaiah 9:6
It has been another busy week of nativity practise, we are all very impressed with the children and we are looking foward to you watching our performances next week.
Maths: We have been making 10 in different ways using the stem sentences e.g. 6 needs 4 to make 10, 6 and 4 make 10. We have continued focusing on the symbols < less than > greater than and = equal to. Writing them on whiteboards and putting them in the correct place.
RE: On Monday we lit our first advent candle as a school during assembly. We have lit the first candle in class too, on our class advent wreath. This week we have been thinking about the birth of Jesus, and discussing that God showed his love to us by sending us Jesus his son.
We reflected on Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem and the excitment of Jesus’ arrival on Christmas day and thought about how we would feel if we were there and gifts we would bring for Jesus. We talked about the bible and how it is a special book where there are different stories, some are about Jesus. We find these stories in the Gospels. There are four Gospels written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. We were given the challenge to work together to see if we could find stories about Jesus.
We have continued practising saying and signing the Hail Mary and wrote our own prayers to thank God for Mary’s baby.
We re-enacted Queen Elizabeth’s and King Charles’ cornoations, there are many similarites but King Charles had less guests and his service was shorter and Queen Consort Camilla was crowned alongside King Charles. Prince Phillip knelt to pay homage to Queen Elizabeth during the cermony because traditionally Kings always reign and Prince Phillip counld not out rank the Queen!
We have started our Geography topic this week, we learnt about the United Kingdom and the countires it is made up of. We discussed the capital cities, the flags and the surrounding seas, we created our own maps of the UK practsing our cutting skills cuting each county out and sticking in the correct place. We loved playng the UK game where we had to stand in the correct country. Ask you child if they can remember the four countries that make up the UK can they recognise them on a map?
Today we made Nativity scene Christmas cards, for another friend in our class. These cards will be posted next week. We will also look at our own addresses and our local area to continue our Geography topic.
Christmas Jumper Day/ Bake off
Wow I can’t believe how many cakes were brought in this morning our table was filled well done to Toby our class voted for his Christmas bake. We even had a staff bake! We enjoyed trying the bakes this afternoon while watching a film.

As am I all sure you heard last week, we had some visitors in Year 1 on Friday. Father Christmas sent me a letter to apologise and left us an advent calendar and some Christmas books to unwrap each day. There is a little treat and an act of kindness task inside each box. As promised here is the video:
Let’s Celebrate:
Well done to our certificate awardees: two ‘Bobby Bee for their enthusiasm in the nativty and super Geography work.
Henry is going home with this person for a brilliant week, you have stayed focused during our input and are working hard well done:).
Travelling Nativity
Christmas is such a magical time of year and across school we take this time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ. Over the next few weeks, each child will bring home the travelling nativity. In this bag, you will find a story book, wooden nativity figures, candle (battery operated) and a camera. The items can be used at home to re-tell the story of the nativity and the camera can be used to take any pictures or videos that you would like to share in school.
The children have really been enjoying this and always look forward to finding out who will get to take it next. Thank you for sharing this at home and for all of the pictures, we have loved looking at these in class.
(Please do make sure all of the items are returned to the bag. The bag must be sent back into school the following day ready for the next child to take home.)
We do hope you enjoy sharing this special time of year together.
Our Nativty takes place on the Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th of December (9:30)
Polite reminder that all children across school should bring water in their bottles and not juice. This is something that we discuss regularly in school as part of our discussions about healthy snacks and healthy lunches.
Christmas cards - Since we are an Eco school, we ask that if children wish to send Christmas cards this year, they just write one for the whole class, which we will put up in our classroom.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at:
Thank you for all of your support
Have a wonderful weekend
Miss Drummond, Mrs Carragher and Mrs Davis