‘He is not here, for He has risen.’ Matthew 28:6

It’s been a week of reflection in school as Years 2 through to Year 6 took us on a journey which began with Palm Sunday and finished with the celebration of Jesus’s resurrection. We are incredibly proud of how calmly Reception sat and listened to the other classes and how they discussed and re-told the events with so much respect and detail.

In class this week we have taken the opportunity to reflect on how much we have achieved so far and how we have done this by working as a team. We’ve made the most of the sunshine this week and have been co-operative Roger Robins!

Reception, you are a third of the way through the school year and have accomplished so much.
We are very proud of you all. Have a wonderful, well deserved rest with your friends and families.
Happy Easter

Reception Rangers

Reception have loved being rangers this half term and are thrilled to reveal their posters. I am sure you’ll agree that these and wonderful and share a very important message!
Thank you for your very generous sponsors.

Let’s Celebrate!

Co-operative Roger Robin: Rhys
Rhys, you are such a happy and caring member of our class and it’s been wonderful to see how you have continued to grow in confidence throughout the year. You are a patient and co-operative learning partner to your peers and enjoy joining in with lots of different activities in our classroom. Thank you for bringing so much joy and laughter to our classroom!
Well done Rhys!

Reflective Lizzie Ladybird & Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: Frank
Frank, your enthusiasm and excitement towards learning is wonderful to see and you enjoy sharing your ideas and new learning with your peers. You have also been a reflective learner by thinking about what we have learnt previously and making connections. Thank you for inspiring us all and for bringing an excitement for learning into our classroom.
 Well done Frank!

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

  • In your child’s reading packet you will find a new reading book, library book and some Fred games to be enjoyed over the holidays.

  • Reception will be busy practicing for their class assembly when we return to school after the Easter break. They may have some lines to practise over the holidays, these can be found in reading packets. It would be fantastic if you could practise this over the holidays. Thank you for your support.

    As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a wonderful Easter break,
God Bless.

The Reception Team