‘No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.’

The weather has been a little kinder to us this week and Reception were thrilled to be able to get outside for Ranger School. The Fylde Rangers, Jo and Fraser, had set the challenging of finding different minibeasts in different habitats; Reception were definitely up for the challenge!

What have we been learning this week:

Maths: This week in Maths we have been finding doubles. We have deepened our understanding of equal amounts and can reason why an amount is a double e.g. ‘This is a double because 3 is a part and 3 is a part’, we can build on this even further by saying ‘6 is made of 3 and 3, 3 and 3 make 6'. We have also continued to explore patterns and have been challenge ourselves to become pattern experts by creating patterns that repeat in a circle and symmetrical patterns on butterfly wings.

RE: This week in RE we have been thinking about kindness and what is means to be kind. We reflected on times when we have been kind, when someone has been kind to us and how that makes us feel. We thought about times when Jesus has been kind to others and are trying to follow in his footsteps.

Understanding the world - This week we have been busy working as a team to complete our huge butterfly lifecycle and we are very impressed with what we have achieved when we work together! Take a look…

Let’s Celebrate!

Curious Clara Clownfish: Daniel
Daniel, it’s wonderful to see how much you enjoy our learning and how curious you are about new topics and vocabulary. You ask excellent questions about new vocabulary that you hear, demonstrating your love of learning and growing your brain! This week you also chose to explore some non-fiction books and have noticed how we can use these to find out more about our topics. With your Curious Clara Clownfish attitude and your wonderful attitude towards learning, we know you will continue to have an exciting learning journey ahead!
Well done Daniel!

Focused Cooper Crab: Annabelle
Annabelle, you have certainly been a focused cooper crab with our learning this half term and that is reflected in the detail and passion that you demonstrate when you explain your ideas and reasoning. You have noticed yourself how important is it to be focused, what you can achieve and how you share that learning with others. Keep up this great focus and passion for learning and reach for the stars!
Well done Annabelle!

Butterfly Award - Generous: Ronnie
During RE this week, we have been thinking about what it means to be kind, why it’s important, and what acts of kindness we can do or show one another. Ronnie, you shared your idea that being kind means “we can be generous with our love so we have more love in the world”. Ronnie, we couldn’t agree more; thank you for being a fantastic role model for our class and our school.
Well done Ronnie!

Reception’s Sponsored Event

For our sponsored event, Reception have chosen to help the Fylde Rangers look after our local community. To do this, they have decided create a class poster, encouraging people to ‘Keep St Annes Clean’ which will be displayed within the community. We would be very grateful if you could support our chosen charity CAFOD, and sponsor us to be Rangers for St Annes! Thank you.

Year 6 Sponsored Event

For their sponsored Lent event, Year 6 have chosen to hold a cake sale on Monday 20th March. Reception will have the opportunity to purchase a cake should they wish too. All Cakes are 50p each and the money raised will go to CAFOD.

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

  • Polite reminder regarding staggered home times:
    Blue Harcourt and Green Marsden will be dismissed at 15:20 / Red Plessington and Yellow Bamber will be dismissed at 15:25. Please could you share this information with any family members who are on the pick up list to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding at home time.
    Thank you for your patience and understanding.

As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a wonderful half term,

The Reception Team