“Don’t be afraid of change, it’s such a beautiful thing.” said the butterfly.

It’s been another busy week in Reception with Origami workshops, grown ups joining us for stay and plays and the snow providing us with some extra excitement!

Reception are thoroughly enjoying our current topic ‘Change’ and have been busy exploring different life cycles. Alongside this, they are extremely excited to be starting some Ranger School activities in which we will be learning all about wildlife, habitats, our local area and how we can look after our planet. This week, we were visited by Fraser and Jo who are Fylde Rangers and work in the local area to preserve the wildlife and environments. Reception were focused cooper crabs as they heard about the various habitats in our local area and enjoyed playing games to explore which animals could be found where!

Over the next few weeks, Reception will be engaging in a variety of Ranger school activities (these will take place within school grounds). As these will take place outside, they will need to have warm clothing (we have our fingers crossed for warmer weather next week!).

Lot’s of pictures will be shared on our blog over the next few weeks so you can see what we have been doing!

What have we been learning this week:

Maths: This week in maths we have continued to strengthen our knowledge of numbers and the different ways they can be made. We had great fun playing a ‘peekaboo’ game to visualise numbers that are ‘more than’ and ‘less that’ a given amount. We have also been exploring repeating patterns and have thought about how we can identify the rule of a pattern to work out what comes next.

RE: This week, we have been thinking about forgiveness as we listened to the story of Peter and Jesus. We thought about why Peter told people he was not Jesus’s friends and how Jesus was able to forgive him. To help us remember the story, we became actors and re-created the different scenes. We then reflected on what it means to forgive someone and how we can show forgiveness.

Understanding the world - Reception have enjoyed exploring the life cycle of a butterfly this week. We began by thinking what a life cycle is, why it is called a life cycle and then had some interesting discussions as we arranged the different stages in order. Combining all of our cross-curricular skills together, we labelled the stages and are busy using our artistic skills to create butterflies with symmetrical patterns for a big class display to share and show all of our knowledge.

Let’s Celebrate!

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: Freddie!
Freddie, you have a fantastic enthusiasm and attitude towards all of our learning and its wonderful to see how much you enjoy learning new things and growing your brain. This week, you particularly impressed us in RE when you retold the story of Jesus forgiving Peter with so much expression and detail. Thank you for bringing so much enthusiasm and love for learning to our classroom!
Well done Freddie!

Focused Cooper Crab: Eliana!
Eliana, you have been so focused on your reading and it’s amazing to watch how your determination and focus is helping you to become a speedy reader. The most wonderful part of your reading journey is seeing how proud you are of your achievements. Always believe in yourself and reach for the stars!
Well done Eliana!

Reception and Year 6 health checks will be taking place on Thursday 16th March. Please click the button below for more information.

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

  • Please see Mrs Gregans blog regarding the Reception Assembly which will now take place on Tuesday 25th April. Thank you for your understanding.

As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a wonderful half term,

The Reception Team