‘Reading is a passport to countless adventures!’

This week we have enjoyed a magical week of books, stories, exciting adventures and on Thursday, our classroom was filled with some of our favoruite characters!
I wonder who you will spot…

What have we been learning this week:

Literacy: This week, to celebrate World Book week, each class focused on the book ‘The Journey’. The Journey is a wordless book that shares a beautiful story through detailed pictures. Reception realised that “the story is told through the pictures” and decided to become story detectives! Before hearing the title, we investigated the pictures in detail to predict what might be happening throughout the story. We gathered ideas, drew our own detailed illustrations and wrote captions and sentences to describe what we could see. We have certainly been on our own journey with this book this week and have thoroughly enjoyed it!

Maths: This week in Maths, we have continued to explore 3D shapes by sorting, grouping and finding real life 3D objects around our environment. In our Maths Mastery activities, we have been ordering numbers 1 - 8 and have continued to deepen our understanding of number by using our knowledge of the numbers to explain our reasoning; e.g. “7 is one more than 6 so the number 7 needs to go after the number 6”. We used our completed number lines to challenge each other with number facts e.g “9 is more than 8”, “8 is less than 9”. We became really speedy with our number line challenge facts!

RE: This week, we have been thinking about what it means to be sorry. We heard the story about when Jesus helped Zaccheaus to say sorry when he had made a wrong choice. We reflected on times that we have needed to apologise and how it is important not just to say it, but to show it through our future choices and actions. Reception were inspired by Zaccheaus’s story and they wrote their own prayer that they can say to ask Jesus for his help:

Lord Jesus,
Please help us when we find it hard to say sorry.
Help us to think about our choices and help us to make the right ones.
Please be with us and help us like you helped Zacchaeus.

Let’s Celebrate!

Focused Cooper Crab: George!
George, you have a fantastic attitude towards school, learning and you always try your best. This week, you have really impressed us with your maths skills and your speedy recall of number facts! You have shown us how much we can achieve when we are focused Cooper Crabs. Thank you for being such a great role model! Keep up this brilliant focus and you will have an exciting learning journey ahead.
Well done George!

Reflective Lizzie Ladybird: Aubree!
Aubree, you have done some fabulous writing this week. I was so impressed to see how you thought carefully about what sounds you could hear in the words how you checked your caption when you had finished. You remembered how important it is to be a reflective Lizzie Ladybird and used your purple pencil to correct a mistake that you spotted!
Well done Aubree!

Reception and Year 6 health checks will be taking place on Thursday 16th March. Please click the button below for more information.

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a wonderful half term,

The Reception Team