“Where there is hope, there is faith. Where there is faith, miracles happen.”

This week, Reception had a special trip to church to visit Father Peter and talk about Mass. Following our whole class Mass service at Christmas, Reception were left with some ‘wondering questions’ and we thought this would be a lovely opportunities to ask those questions to Father Peter and hear even more about our church and faith. We thought about how church is a happy and joyful place where we can sing hymns, hear readings and join together as a community. We also heard about times when church is calm and quiet so that we can be still and focus on our thoughts and prayers. Father Peter explained to us why we kneel, stand and sit during Mass and then we practised this ourselves; the children were so still and calm, it was just beautiful!

Father Peter was very impressed with our questions, some of those questions were: “Why is there a boat on the top of the church?”, “What is the red candle for?” “What are the pictures in the windows?”, “why do the colours change?” and “What is your favourite job as a priest?”. We also had an opportunity to share some of the miracles that we have been learning about and how we try to follow in Jesus footsteps. After we heard about the stories in the stained glass window, we thought we could make some stained glass windows for our classroom sharing the stories and miracles that we have read!

Reception, you were incredible role models and made us all extremely proud.


During class councils, the children have chosen to create special lenten boxes that they can use to collect money in for our chosen charity during lent. Instead of creating their own lenten box, the children suggested the wonderful idea of pairing up with a buddy from another class so they can make a box for each other. Reception were extremely excited to be paring up with Year 6! Today, the children met with their year 6 partner so they could get to know them and think about what designs they might like on their lenten box.

Your task this half term is to design and make a special lenten box for your Year 6 partner (details will be in your child’s reading packet). This needs to be a specially designed and decorated container that you can give to your partner the first week back after half term ready for them to take home and collect money during lent for our chosen charity. Think about what your partner likes and what their interests are, this may help you when planning what to do. You could make your box out of any plastic container, cardboard box, it is up to you- just make sure it is fully cleaned out first!

Here are some ideas to get you started….

Let’s Celebrate!

Co-operative Roger Robin: Ben T!
Ben, you are a fabulous role model in our class and a co-operative Roger robin towards both your peers and your teachers. Often, you just notice when someone needs a little bit of help and without being asked, you are there! During our lessons, you recognise how important it is to be co-operative and how we can achieve so much more when we work together! Ben you have such a fabulous attitude towards learning and its truly wonderful to see how your face lights up pride. I know you will continue to have a wonderful learning journey ahead of you!
Well done Ben!

Focused Cooper Crab: Matilda!
Matilda, you are so focused during our whole class and group activities and you recognise that being focused helps you to grow your brain. During phonics, your ‘magnet eyes’ look carefully at the sounds and you don’t let those tricky red words trick you! You are also a focused and supportive learning partner which doesn’t just help you, but it helps your partner too. I can see that this fantastic focus is helping you to become a speedy reader!
Well done Matilda!

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

  • In your child’s reading packet you will find a new reading book, library book, new phonics games and a math game. The phonics QR codes will take you to a reading and spelling activity that your child can follow at home. These follow the same routine as our phonics lessons in school and are a great way to share how we teach reading and writing within our Early Years Curriculum. The maths game is a subitising ‘more than’ game. The children have enjoyed playing this in school and are familiar with the rules. This game can be played in pairs, the cards are shared between the pairs and each pair takes turns to show one card and work out if they have ‘more than’. Subitising is a skill which encourages children not to count but to see the amount e.g. recognising dice patterns or “ I see two there and two there that makes four!”.

As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a wonderful half term,

The Reception Team