“Reading a good book is like taking a journey!”

This week, Reception have been busy authors making the final edits to their story about Kevin the Carrot! We have rehearsed the story using actions to help us remember and thought about how we can use expression to be interesting storytellers. We are looking forward to doing the illustrations and putting it all together next week!

What have we been learning this week…

RE: This week we have heard about another amazing miracle that Jesus performed. We listened to the story of a young boy who, when he noticed how hungry other people were, came forward and offered his two loaves and five fish. Even though the boy was very hungry himself, he noticed that other people needed help and he spoke to Jesus and offered to share his food with them. Reception… Can you remember what happened next and share the story with your grown ups?

Maths: Thank you so much for sharing the timeline pictures, the class have had great fun looking through and trying to work out who the ‘then’ baby and toddler pictures might belong to and it has encouraged some wonderful discussions using language associated with time. We have also continued exploring number and how numbers are made. We explored numbers 6 and 7 and noticed how they are made of 5 ‘and a bit’. We are becoming super subitisers and are able to see how many are represented (1 - 6) without counting. “Don’t count see the amount!”.

Reception Visit to Church

On Thursday 9th February Reception will be walking to church to hear about Mass from Father Peter.
Father Peter will be talking to us about why we have Mass in church. This is an exciting opportunity for the children to ask questions and practise ready for our next whole school Mass.

Please ensure your child has a warm coat and hat for walking.

Kid Safe

This week we thought about the choices we make and what choices keep ourselves and our peers safe. We remembered how we can use our big voice to say a firm ‘STOP’ or ‘NO’ when someone does something that makes us have ‘Yukky feelings’. We also talked about how it is important to walk away and speak to a trusted grown up who will help us.

Online Safety Competition

As part of our Online Safety discussions in school, Mrs Gregen has launched a film competition for all of the children to get involved in. Online safety is such an important topic and this competition is a great way to share those discussions at home.
See the poster below for more information.

Stay and Play

We are delighted to invite grown ups to our next stay and play sessions! As with the previous sessions, these will place during afternoon 14:10 - 15:00.
Please click on the link below to find your date.

Let’s Celebrate!

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: Leo T!
Leo, your genuine passion and enthusiasm for reading and writing has been inspiring to watch. With bundles of excitement and pride, you have been finding ‘special friends’ and ‘tricky red words’ all around our classroom. You have enjoyed playing writing games to challenge yourself and even Mrs Hartley! Leo, its such a joy to see how much you are enjoying our learning and growing your brain. Keep up this wonderful enthusiasm and you will continue to soar!
Well done Leo!

Determined Sadie Spider: Seamus!
Seamus, you have been a determined writer and its fantastic to see how much you are enjoying writing and drawing stories. You thought of your own sentence, “The dragon fell into the potion” and you challenged yourself to write it independently. You listened carefully to the sounds that you could hear and you didn’t let those tricky red words (the) trick you! Keep up this amazing determination Seamus. An exciting writing journey lies ahead!
Well done Seamus!

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

  • Tuesday 7th February is Online Safety day. All classes across school will be discussing this in age appropriate ways.

  • On Thursday 9th February, school is hosting a parents’ session about the issues that your children are currently facing and will face when being online. A local advisor will be coming into school and presenting current findings, they will then able to answer any questions that you have. The session will start at 9am, after drop off, and last around 90 minutes. It would be wonderful to get as many parents there as we can (there will be tea, coffee and cakes on offer too!) If you are able to join, please complete the form which can be found on Mrs Gregan’s newsletter (27/1/23) so we can plan for numbers.

  • Congratulations to Harcourt and Plessington who have the most house points this half term and can come to school wearing their house colours on Friday 10th February.

  • Friday 10th February is our last day in school before the half term break. School will close at the usual time.

As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team