Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!

Well Reception…
You have officially finished your first term at school and my goodness it has been an excellent one! You have blown us all away and we cannot wait to see what the next term brings! Now is time to have a rest with friends and family and enjoy your Christmas holiday.

Have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year,
From all of your Reception teachers

Let’s Celebrate!

Reflective Lizzie Ladybird: Freddie
Freddie, this week when we have been reflecting on our first full term in Reception, it has been lovely to hear you speak about your achievements with such pride and passion. We can see that you have really enjoyed your learning journey so far and you are excited to learn even more next term!
Well done Freddie!

Co-operative Roger Robin: Frank
Frank, it’s lovely to see how much you enjoy all of the areas in our classroom and its been brilliant to see how you are trying to look after all of our things. You have told us how you are being a Cooperative Roger Robin and remembering to ‘choose it, use it and put it away’. You even do this with toys that you haven't played with. Frank, thank you so much for being a wonderful role model and for looking after our classroom!
Well done Frank!

As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email -

Have a wonderful Christmas,
God bless,

The Reception Team