'For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.' - Luke 2:11

There are not enough words to describe just how proud we are of every single one of you!
You have all shined like stars on the stage, proudly sharing the true meaning of Christmas.

You have been determined to learn all of your words, songs and actions and you have been so brave in front of big audiences but most of all, your huge smiles have brought us all so much joy this week. A big thank you also has to go to grown ups for all of your help practising at home, it wouldn’t be possible without your support!

What have we been learning this week…

RE: This week we have been thinking about the birth of Jesus and re-telling the story in our own words. Luckily, we have done 3 magical performances this week so we already know the story quite well! We used our nativity as inspiration and drew detailed scenes which helped us to re-tell the key events.

Throughout the week, we have continued to review all of the Set 1 sounds with the aim of recognising them speedily. The children have done so well and genuinely enjoy thinking of words beginning with these initial sounds which also helps to broaden their vocabulary and understanding of words. We have continued to look for these letters in our classroom environment and have continued to practise the correct letter formation.

Maths: This week we introduced the concept of ‘whole’ and ‘part’. We began by thinking about the difference between ‘hole’ and ‘whole’ sharing examples to help the children understand that in this concept we would be refering to ‘whole’. We thought about what it might mean and the children shared some interesting discussions and examples such as “the whole world” and “the whole school”. We thought about our school and wondered if Reception are the whole school. We then discussed how the school is made up of lots of different classes and we are one class so we are one part of our school. Then we found Mr Potato head who needed a little bit of help to put the parts back together and make him whole! We used the STEM sentence “The parts can join together to make a whole”. We then moved on to exploring this concept within numbers by splitting two and three into parts e.g. “1 is a part, and another 1 is a part, and the whole makes Two.

Kid Safe - Lesson 2

This week we have covered our second Kid Safe lesson which focused on ‘Yukky feelings’ sad, scared and worried. We talked about how these ‘yukky feelings’ can make us feel and that if we have any of these feelings it’s really important that we tell and talk to our trusted grown up.
Please click the button below for a parent letter with more information.

Christmas Dinner - Monday 19th December

Christmas Dinner - Monday 19th December
Staff will join the children in this festive feast!
We need to know the precise numbers for Jacqui, our wonderful chef!
Could you PLEASE take a few seconds to complete the form on today’s newsletter blog on the school website.
The meal is free for all Key Stage 1 children and for all those children on free school meals.  
Key Stage 2 children NOT on free school meals pay £2.40 - this should be paid in advance on ParentPay.
Please complete the form FOR EVERY CHILD in school, both Key Stages, whether it is a yes for a meal or a no - that would really help us!
Do please ensure you have completed the form by Monday Morning, 9am.

Thank you so much – The Office and Catering Teams

Let’s Celebrate!

Kiki Creative Chameleon: Eliana
Eliana, you have drawn a beautiful nativity scene to help you re-tell the story of the birth of Jesus. You recalled lots of details from our nativity and used this to draw a very creative and detailed picture. It was also wonderful to hear you re-tell the story with such joy and expression. Keep being creative!
Well done Eliana!

Brave Tommy Turtle: Leo T
Leo, this week you built a fantastic rocket in the construction area but when some of the pieces wouldn’t fit together, you didn’t give up. You tried different ways to fix it and with a very proud voice you said “look Mrs Hartley, I’m being a Tommy Turtle and trying again!”. Leo you recognised how important it is to keep trying and you fixed your rocket because you didn’t give up. Always be a Tommy Turtle!
Well done Leo!

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

  • Outside play is a huge part of our EYFS Curriculum and is an opportunity to develop many skills. We like to give the children as many opportunities to choose outside. Please ensure they have warm coats, hats, scarves and gloves (clearly labelled) so they can be well wrapped up and keep warm whilst learning!

  • On Thursday 15th December we will be going to church to watch a special concert lead by KS2. As we will be walking to church children will need warm coats and hats etc.

  • As a whole school, we have decided not to send individual Christmas cards to each other, but to instead collect this money for Brian House. Children can if they wish, write one card for the whole class.

As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a wonderful weekend,
God bless,

The Reception Team