‘Success is best when it is shared.’

Christmas has arrived in Reception this week! There have been some very busy elves crafting away in the workshop and the classroom has been filled with the sound of Christmas and Nativity songs!

Reception have been working so hard on the Nativity this week; they have loved being on the big stage with the lights, music and they have honestly blown us away with how much they have remembered. We can see how much they have been practising lines and songs, thank you so much for your help and support at home!

They cannot wait for grown ups to come and watch next week, all of the teachers were tearing up with pride during the practise so grown ups, bring a tissue because you will be immensely proud too!

What have we been learning this week…

Phonics: Now that we have covered all of our Set 1 sounds, we are going to use the final few weeks of the the term to practise recognising these sounds speedily. We will be doing lots of ‘Fred Talk’ to help us identify the sounds in words so that we can continue to build on our reading skills. Perhaps you can look for different letters while your at home or out with grown ups. There are lots of different letters on street signs, posters, shop windows and signs… what sounds will you find?!

Literacy: Elmer and the elephants have been on their parade and our classroom is a wonderful patchwork array of yellow and orange and red and pink and purple and blue and green and black and white! Take a look at our colourful classroom and our fabulous writing…

Maths: We have continued to develop our subitising skills and used the catchy phrase “don’t count see the amount” to help us remember. We have also had lots of discussions about shapes and used them to make different designs and patterns. There were some tricky shape and puzzle challenges in our classroom, we had to be focused Cooper Crabs and determined Sadie Spiders in order to solve the problems.

Away in a Manger

Here is a sneaky peek of one of the songs from our Nativity. It would be wonderful if you could practise singing this at home!

Let’s Celebrate!

Kiki Creative Chameleon: Benji
Benji, it’s lovely to see how much you enjoy building and creating new models in our classroom and we are always so impressed with your designs. You have a fantastic imagination; you think of such creative ideas and each time you create and describe your models with more detail. We can’t wait to see what ideas you come up with next!
Well done Benji!

Cooperative Roger Robin: Arthur
Arthur, you have been such a Co-operative Roger Robin this week. You recognise how important it is to work as a team, you notice when your friends or teachers need help and without being asked, you are there to help. Thank you for being so caring and thoughtful towards others.
Well done Arthur!

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

  • Nativity Costumes - School are providing the costumes for our Nativity; however, please could you send in a spare pair of PE shorts or cycling shorts on Monday 5th December. These will be worn underneath the costume and will be kept in school until Thursday. Thank you.

  • Friday 9th December is our Christmas Jumper / Christmas Colours Day. We kindly ask for a £1 donation and look foward to seeing all of the children come to school in their Christmas colours.

As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a wonderful weekend,
God bless,

The Reception Team