‘Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.’ - Mother Teresa

What a lovely week it’s been in Reception, the week has flown by and we have been very busy growing our brains!

You will all be so pleased to hear something wonderful has happened in Reception…our Kindness Jar is FULL! Well done Reception, we are very proud of your daily acts of kindness!

What have we been learning this week…

Phonics: This week, as well as reviewing all of our previously learnt sounds, we have introduced the special friend sounds sh and ch. Alongside lots of Fred Talk we have been playing games to help our speedy recognition of the sounds.

Literacy: We have enjoy hearing the story of Elmer the elephant. We thought about the different parts of the story including the character and the problem. In the workshop, we created our own unique elephants, ready for an Elmer day parade around the classroom!

Maths: Number 5 has been our main focus this week, we have use counters to represent 5 objects and practise counting each object only once. We learnt a great counting rhyme called ‘5 Little Peas’. On Wednesday we had great fun being shape detectives. We had a brilliant discussion about the name of shapes and the reasons we know what shape something is. We had great fun finding squares, triangles, circles and rectangles around the classroom. Maybe you could go on a shape hunt this weekend!

RE: We have continued our topic ‘Gods Family’. We thought about what makes a good friend and ways we can help others. We heard about how Mother Teresa helped so many people who were less fortunate. It reminded us of times our school family has helped others, like when we collected pasta sauce for the food bank during Harvest and raised money for Brian House last week by wearing our pyjamas! We came up with some brilliant ideas to be great friends and follow the example Mother Teresa gave us.

Let’s Celebrate!

Cooperative Roger Robin: George

George, you have been such a Co-operative Roger Robin this week. You recognise how important it is to work as a team and be helpful in our classroom.Thank you for being such a wonderful role model in our class. Well done George!

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: Ruby

Ruby, your enthusiasm for Phonics has been inspiring this week. You are always so eager to practise writing our new sounds and join in with games to practise your speedy sound recognition. We have enjoyed seeing how proud you are of your achievements! Keep it up, well done Ruby!

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

  • Nativity lines - Some children have been sent home with lines to learn for our Nativity. Please practise, practise, practise at home this weekend to boost confidence! Please don’t worry if your child has not go any lines to learn, we have lots of songs and actions to practise here at school! The children are so excited to be on the stage and perform for you very soon.

    As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a wonderful weekend,
God bless,

The Reception Team