It has been lovely to welcome our wonderful new Reception children into school this week. The classroom has been filled with happy smiles, excitement, curiosity and kindness and we already know that this will be a magical year!
The children have impressed us with their listening skills and are already beginning to remember lots of our classroom rules and routines. We have been thinking about ‘Kind Hands’ this week and what things kind hands can do. The children made some fabulous suggestions such as “help”, “share”, “take turns” and “keep each other safe”. Here is our beautiful class pictures with all of our ‘Kind Hands’.
Roger Robin and Kiki Chameleon
We met our first school characters, Co-operative Roger Robin and Creative Kiki Chameleon. We talked about the characters, what it means to be co-operative and creative and suggested ways that we could be like Roger Robin and Kiki Chameleon in school. We are extremely proud to report that everyone has shown that they can be co-operative and creative. Maybe they can tell you more about these characters at home?!

Important Forms
In addition to the forms below, please could you send a photograph (and corresponding name) of all the adults who are on your childs’ authorised pick up list as discussed at the parent meeting earlier this week. Please send these pictures to
It would be greatly appreciated if the following forms could be completed as soon as possible.
House Teams
Please see below for your childs’ house team:
Important Reminders:
The children are already remembering some of their classroom routines and have impressed us with their determination and independence.
Please have a look through the polite reminders below as this will greatly support the children to become more independent over the upcoming weeks.
Please ensure that all uniform items are clearly labelled
Please send your child to school with a full water bottle (clearly labelled)
As we already have rainy weather, it would be useful for your child to bring a pair of wellies (labelled) into school, these can stay in school
Snacks are provided by school however, should you choose to send a snack in with your child, large snacks such as grapes should be cut in half length ways
PE will start WB 19th September. Our PE days will be Wednesday and Thursday, your child can come to school in their PE uniform, suitable PE trainers and will stay in their PE clothes for the remainder of the day
Thank you for your support.
As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email -
Have a wonderful weekend!
God bless,
The Reception Team