20.7.22 - 'Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world' - Roald Dahl...Matilda

Well that’s it! Reception complete and what a way to end, today the staff performed a pantomime for the children, I’m sure you’ve heard all about it. in the middle of all the panto fun the whole school performed a top secret flash mob for our very own Dancing Queen, Miss Hornby! We had a fantastic assembly and a party at lunch time, what brilliant memories! We ended our day with a class circle talking about what our favourite things were in Reception and what we will miss. Although we all had a mixture of feelings today we know that although goodbyes can be sad, God has a plan for all and new adventures are calling!

I suppose all that’s left to say is THANK YOU!

Firstly to all the parents, the card I received on Monday made me cry happy tears, it was so special and I will treasure it. Thank you for all your hard work at home, understanding and enthusiasm. Secondly to our wonderful staff team, who always work so hard to support the children and myself, you are superstars! And the the biggest thank you of all to the children, who have grown in so many ways, we are all so proud of all you have achieved and done this year, you are all so special, please keep being shiny little adverts for Jesus wherever you go. Miss Drummond is going to have such a lovely time in Year One with you.

Have a magical summer Reception, you have been a joy!

Miss Lavelle