"He is not here. He has RISEN"

We’ve come to the end of yet another term in Year 2, and my, what a bit of a strange term it’s been! It seems such a long time ago now, but we started this term continuing with remote learning. We then received the fantastic news that we would all be able to come back together as our class team, and a team is certainly what we are!
Year 2 I simply couldn’t be prouder! You have risen to every challenge, you’ve been determined when things have been tricky, and most importantly, you’ve looked after one another. The love and compassion towards each other is ever growing and you continually reflect in order to help each other to grow closer to God.
This Holy Week has been different but lovely. We haven’t been able to share our Easter assemblies together in the hall and we haven’t been able to go to Church as our whole school community. We have however, been able to reflect and pray in our class bubble as we have journeyed through Holy Week together.
This Holy Week has also encouraged us to look to the future. Children have been beaming as they have told us about meeting their friends in gardens, and although we all know the importance of following the rules, it has been amazing to see such hope.

Here is a little gift of Hope from us in Year 2 to you at home.

The classroom has continued to be as busy as ever as we have continued to learn, grow and have fun together.
In English we learnt how the Mayor of Blackpool had heard all about our amazing persuasive writing and needed our help to get tourism in Blackpool booming once again. At once the children got busy designing their posters on paper and then making them on Powerpoint. I can’t wait to send them off to see what the Mayor thinks. Well done Year 2!

In PE we enjoyed an Easter egg hunt with a twist - hunt the EGGxercise! The children had to hunt on the school field for eggs which then told them which skill to practise. We had children running, hopping, jumping and skipping all around the field as they searched for the next egg!

Thank you for all of the cardboard sent in with the children this week. This morning I told the children what their much anticipated Easter activity was … making a ramp for egg rolling. The children blew me away with their creativity, ingenuity and how co-operatively they worked together. This afternoon, we then enjoyed testing the ramps to see whose egg would roll the furthest.



Let’s Celebrate

Ola, you are always such an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee!  You soak up any new learning like a sponge and are always eager to find out more.  You have been particularly enthusiastic in maths this week, putting your hand up to answer questions and taking time to give mathematical explanations.  Your passion for learning is such a joy to see! Well done! 

You have been a real Focused Cooper Crab this week Archie.  You have been incredibly focused in every lesson and have completed some super work.  I know that transitioning from working from home to school has been a challenging and tiring one, but you’ve risen to the challenge and you’re showing everyone just what you are capable of achieving once again.  You definitely deserve a rest over the holidays!


Back to school on Monday 12th April at the normal times of 8:30am and 8:45am.

We hope you have a restful, happy and prayerful Easter.

God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team