I am so so excited to have all of the children back in the classroom on Monday morning; I can’t wait to hear all of their home learning stories and to see how much they’ve grown! Next week will be centered around welcoming the children back, settling them back into the school routine and helping them to feel safe and secure. Our two focus virtues when the children return are love and compassion. We will be exploring the virtues further, as well as recapping all of those important things that we do in our daily routines to keep each other safe. Please ensure that you have read all of the information and documents on the Keeping Safe section of the website before your child returns on Monday. Please don’t forget about the staggered drop off and pick up times and ensure that all of your children’s belongings are clearly labelled.
I also want to take this opportunity to again say a HUGE thank you to YOU! The support and guidance that the children have received from home has been unbelievable and they have continued to make progress because of this. You have been so open with your worries, concerns, struggles and achievements which I cannot thank you enough for! It has made this strange remote learning so much easier to manage. I am so very grateful and have been overwhelmed by your commitment and support.
Let’s say a big HIP HIP HOORAY to all those parents and carers at home - you’ve done an amazing job!
This week seems to have been crammed with lots of creative learning. We’ve been busy creating 2D and 3d shapes in maths, been learning text maps and actions in English and have even found time to celebrate World Book Day. It was wonderful to hear all about the children’s favourite books and story characters in our class Zoom on Thursday - I know that we have a class of book worms this year! Please look out for book vouchers coming home with your child next week.
For those who missed it during yesterday’s Zoom, we did the grand reveal of who was hiding behind the books! Did you guess the stars correctly? Here’s the video and the answers if you missed it!
Finally, enjoy looking through this week’s learning photographs - it’s been a super week!
Let’s Celebrate
Roseanna, I am so very proud of you! You are growing so much as a learner and are blossoming into such a brave ‘Have a Go Tommy Turtle’. You will have a go at just about anything and are beginning to ask for help when needed. Your ability to work independently is flourishing and it is so lovely to have such a happy, smiley learner in our class. Well done Roseanna!
Well done Rose – you have shown such super focus this week! It has been wonderful to see you working just as hard at home as you do in school and the work you’ve completed has been great. You always get so lost in the books you are reading – so lost that I don’t even realise you’re in the class sometimes! Keep up this amazing focus Rose. I can’t wait to see what you will achieve when we all return to school!
PE Days - PE has gone back to how it was before Christmas. Wednesday will be outdoor PE and Thursday will be indoor PE. Please remember that your child can wear their tracksuits to school on these days but must have their shorts with them on Thursdays for indoor PE.
I look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday morning! Please do get in touch if you have any further questions or concerns.
Have a wonderful weekend!
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team!