'I can do all this through him who gives me strength' - Philippians 4:13


Another lovely week is over! We were overjoyed to hear the news that we can welcome all the children back on March 8th. One more week, let’s dig deep, with prayer, love and hope we can do this together! I cannot wait for the classroom to be full and buzzing with excitement again.

Whether your child has been at home or school throughout this period it would be good to talk through what it going to happen. What are they looking forward to? Do they have any questions or worries? As always the children’s wellbeing is our biggest priority and it will be our main focus as we make this transition back into school and reconnecting as a whole class group. Weaved into this will be our virtues of love and compassion. We not only need to show love and compassion to others but to ourselves. Please read Miss Hornby’s newsletter for information about the return.

I have loved receiving your photos and videos his week. In English I was very impressed by your puppets and story retelling of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Your caterpillar research was excellent and really interesting to read. We were introduced to number 9 this week in Maths and represented it in different ways at home and school. Thank you for all you fantastic effort in Phonics, your set 2 sound knowledge is growing everyday. I can see how hard you have been working and can’t wait to see your reading and writing when we’re all back together!

Let’s Celebrate

Scarlett is a Cooperative Roger Robin - For being a great team player in our class and caring for others, our resources and our classroom. We have been impressed with your sharing and caring attitude this week. Well done Scarlett!

Emilia is a Kiki Chameleon - For creating some brilliant vehicles in the construction area and sharing with others how to do it! It was great to see you creativity continue at home by building a raft for your characters. Well done Emilia!

Important Notices

ZOOM - Monday 1st (News sentence) and Wednesday 3rd (Workout) both at 11am. World book day is on Thursday 4th. Although this year we will not be dressing up we will be doing lots of fun activities on the day. We will finish the day with a whole class story zoom at 2:45. same code as usual. Small group zooms will run at the usual times.

Have a great weekend, fingers crossed this good weather continues!

The Reception Team

Enjoy the pictures below of another fantastic week of learning! Click on the right of the pictures to swipe through!