"Once you choose hope, anything's possible"

What an amazing start to the new half term we have had. I can see from the work produced this week that the children had a well deserved rest over the holidays and managed to give those brains a good break. I’m sure you were just as excited as me to hear that we will all be returning back to school on Monday 8th March - I can’t wait to see all of those smiling faces that I have missed seeing everyday! That means just one more week of super focused remote learning and then we can all come together as our class team again! Yippeee!

The Lenten acrostic poems were delightful to read this week and I could see some real deep thinking about what Lent is all about. Please don’t forget about this special time and remembering just what Jesus sacrificed for us. These are conversations that we will continue when we all return to school together.


I hope that you have enjoyed our new English topic as much as me this week. It has been great picking out the persuasive language and vocabulary, and spotting those features of different persuasive texts. I was persuaded to visit many different places in Monday’s lesson and have now got a long list of days out when I am able to! I know some of the children have too!

In maths we managed to finish our statistics topic and I can see that the children are now reading the questions really carefully. We will revisit a few of the tricky questions when we return to school as I know that some children struggled with finding the difference.

We also finished our habitat learning in science this week which I know many of you enjoyed. I am looking forward to continuing this learning as we look at food chains when we return to school.
Here are some of the learning photographs from this week.

You may have spotted a photograph of our lovely Iris which has now blossomed into a beautiful purple flower. Remember Year 2 - we planted our Iris when we were looking at the two virtues ‘Faithful and Hopeful’ before the Christmas holidays. Watching the Iris finally open up at my house over the holidays was a lovely reminder to never give up hope. I have been continually hoping that we would all be together in our learning community soon - and it would seem my hopes came true!

Let’s keep working hard right up to next Friday Year 2 - I am so very proud of you and all you have achieved over the past weeks!

Let’s Celebrate

You are such a Keep Improving Lizzie Ladybird Niamh!  You love growing your brain and always listen carefully in every lesson in order to do so.  You are never afraid to make mistakes and always take on board feedback to help you to improve.  Keep this up Niamh – these mistakes are what help you to grow and learn the most! 

Ben, you have been such a determined Sadie Spider whilst learning from home over the past weeks of remote learning.  I know that it isn’t always easy to stay focused at home but you have completed every piece of work that has been set and although you might have felt like doing, you have never given up and have kept growing your brain.  I am so proud of you Ben and I can’t wait to see all that progress you have made when we return to school. 


Next week in maths we will begin learning about both 2D and 3D shapes. In Tuesday’s lesson, the children will be making different 2D and 3D shapes. It would be useful if the children had something to use as edges, such as cut up straws or lolly sticks, and then something to hold them together, such as blue tac, playdough or marshmallows. I am also going to be encouraging the children to make their own shapes using playdough. If you don’t have any playdough at home, it can be made using 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of salt, cream of tartar and a little bit of oil. Some people choose to add hair conditioner to theirs to make it nice and soft, or you could add some glitter to make it sparkly! Maybe if you have a little time this weekend, you could get creative making your playdough. Don’t forget to send me those photographs!

On Thursday we will be celebrating World Book Day. For our class Zoom in the afternoon, it would be great if the children had a copy of their favourite story book to show or they are able to say what their favourite book is. If they can’t choose a favourite book, they might want to tell everyone about their favourite character.

Have a great weekend and let’s hope that the sun continues to shine for us.

God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.