"Sometimes the best solution is to rest, relax and recharge. It's hard to be your best on empty"

It’s hard to believe that I am writing the final blog of the half term! Where has the time gone? This term has certainly been different and not without it’s challenges, but I really couldn’t be prouder of each and every child in Year 2! Everyone has been on their own unique learning journey and my, what a journey it’s been! You’ve problem solved, gritted your teeth and worked incredibly hard. The standard of the work produced has been great and that’s down to your focus and determination. Most importantly, you’ve all remained so positive and have spoken to me when needed. What an AMAZING team of learners and friends you are Year 2! Fingers crosses it won’t be too long after the holidays until we can all be together properly again. Although I must say, I think I’ll miss our lovely Zooms!

I also want to say a HUGE thank you to all you parents and carers. You have been so supportive through the past six weeks and your children have continued to learn and thrive because of this! The children’s work has been incredible, and I know for many this is being carried out alongside your own work commitments. Please be assured that I am so grateful of all of your efforts and you all certainly deserve a rest over the holidays too … if possible!

Enjoy this week’s learning photographs!

On Tuesday we all put our normal learning aside to focus on Internet Safety Day. Digi Duck helped us to think carefully about the reliability of the information we read online and we recapped those other important rules that we must remember when using technology. I was really excited to be a part of an attempt to break a Guinness World Record with my safety pledge. Did you manage to make yours?
Here is a message from 2simple.


The attempt is now being verified with Guinness World Records.

One of your activities was also to create an online safety poster containing all of the information you have learned.
I’d like to share Isaac’s poster with you - it contains such clear messages.

isaacs poster.PNG

Your Half Term Challenge

Please have a look at the Lenten activities that I have set for you to have a go at over the holidays.
Here’s one more which I think you’ll enjoy …
In the first lockdown, lots of us decorated our houses with rainbows. As we think about the coming Spring during Lent, you could make a rainbow coloured prayer paper chain. Each day, think of someone who needs your prayers and write their name on a strip of paper. Stick the strip into a loop with glue or a bit of sellotape, then keep adding a loop each day as you pray for someone as part of your Lenten promise. By Easter time, you will have a long chain to decorate your house or bedroom and remember all those people who you’ve held in prayer through Lent.
Don’t forget to take photographs to share when we return to school.

Let’s Celebrate

Isaac, you have been so creative in your learning this week.  I always love receiving your work through Purple Mash as I can always see your personality and independence seeping through.  Your ideas for your chapter have been amazing this week and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your writing at the end of each day.  You also created a great poster for Safer Internet Day which showed super understanding.   Great work Isaac! 

Sophia, you have been such a Bobby Bee buzzing around our classroom this week.  You have come into school with a huge beaming smile on your face each morning and have been so focused and determined in every lesson.  You are always in the whole body listener position ready to learn and you love sharing your thoughts and ideas with the class.  Well done Sophia – what a star learner you have been!


Learning will commence on Monday 22nd February. For those learning in school, the school gate will open at the normal time of 8:45.

Thank you again for your continued support and well done children for your effort and hard work!
Enjoy a well earned rest!

Be safe.
God Bless
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.