A rainy, blustery week!

A funny sort of week at nursery, the weather has definitely taken a turn for the worst. We better start thinking about wellies and winter woolies!

Nonetheless, the children have been undeterred to brace the elements. Our outdoor sand pit is now a mud kitchen, we think it is even better now!

This week has seen the launch of the new ‘What to Expect, when?’ document for parents. The purpose of this booklet is to help you as a parent/carer find out more about how your child is learning and developing during their first five years, in relation to the EYFS.

Children develop more rapidly during the first five years of their lives than at any other time. This booklet has been written to help you as a parent know what to expect during these vitally important years by focusing on the seven areas of learning and development which are covered in the EYFS. Click on the button below to find out more.

The children have been loving an old favourite story, Little Rabbit Foo Foo. As promised on the newsletter here is the link to watch the video. I bet the children will be able to join in! Click here for Little Rabbit Foo Foo.

…and now for your favourite part of the blog…

I am pleased to say that Colette will be back at nursery next Wednesday, in the meanwhile Clare has been compiling photos of Colette’s key children.

Clare’s (and Colette’s) blog

This week we have been deepening our learning on our emotions. We each took a group of photos acting out each emotion and discussed when we experience these emotions. These photos are on this blog, see if you can work out which emotion is which! You may want to play acting out each emotion with your child.


Hannah’s blog

Some very rainy days have given us the chance to explore more of our lovely nursery classroom this week whilst we couldn’t play outside. It has been nice to watch the children be creative with different things! We have had skeleton jigsaws to piece together, magnet creations that crossed the whole length of the nursey when linked up and some fast cars whizzing down ramps that we have built. Lots of us managed to identify that fruits and vegetables were indeed healthy in our shopping basket game, but were a little more puzzled when it came to deciding if fish fingers and ice creams were healthy or treat foods! This has been such a fun game to play with the children whilst we share ideas about which foods are sugary and might not be as good at helping our bodies grow big and strong! We did spot that brushing our teeth is really important too, along with exercise and a good night’s sleep!! Well done everyone on another fun filled week at nursery.


The children look so happy and are eager to try lots of new activities.


This week we have been thanking God for the gift of our oceans. Together we thought of sea animals that live in the ocean and came up with 29 different creatures! You may want to see how many you can name at home.

We also asked the children why Earth is called the blue planet? Please ask your child, as I know they would love to tell you why. We then watched a short video full of sea creatures and thanked God through prayer for his wonderful gift of oceans. Click here to watch the video at home.

Next, I have just a few snippets of important information for you.

Firstly, could we ask that you do not park close the corner of Kenilworth Road junction at drop off and collection times. It makes it difficult for cars turning in and out of the adjoining roads as well as putting children crossing the road at risk. I fully understand that these are busy times and parking is difficult but please help us keep our children safe.

Secondly, this year Tempest photography will be taking individual photographs for all classes (including nursery) on Wednesday 13th October. Unfortunately we are unable to accommodate family groups or children who do not attend nursery on that morning.

Lastly, as you will know all parts of society are struggling with supply and delivery and school catering has not been immune. Over the past two weeks Jacqui, our cook and her team have tried to problem solve as deliveries have been late or have not arrived and I have to say they have done a fantastic job keeping everyone well fed despite the disruption. Going forward Lancashire catering have now introduced a temporary menu until the situation eases. Within school we have decided to try and keep as much variety as we can, including that well loved roast dinner. We will create weekly menus depending on our deliveries. We are so sorry for this inconvenience but please rest assured all children will be fed with tasty food lovingly prepared by our cook Jacqui and the team.

We hope you manage to get out and about this weekend without getting too soggy or blown away. Whatever you have planned stay safe and well and we will see you all on Monday.
