Year 2 Remote Learning - Friday 8th January

Hi Year 2!

It’s nearly the weekend and time for a well earned rest. Before then, let’s get stuck into our final pieces of learning for the week.




In the ‘How to help your child’ button on the year 2 page, I have added the link for Accelerated Reader quizzes at home. This means that after reading a book, your child can quiz on it on the Accelerated Reader system, just like in school. I have also added a button for Oxford Owl. If you click on the link and sign in as a child using:

year 2

you will see a tab called ebooks. Here, there are lots of reading books to access from home, many that will have quizzes on the Accelerated Reader system. Happy reading!


Here is the video for this week’s spelling rule. Just like we do in class, watch the video, then complete the activities on the sheet. If you are unable to print the sheet, remember that it is absolutely fine to just write the words in your books. Also, where it says work with a partner, read these words to yourself and complete the activities independently.

Extra challenge - can you practise your cursive handwriting using the words containing this week’s spelling rule?


Although today isn’t one of our official PE days, I would like you to try and get out in the fresh air for a little exercise. Can you go for a walk in the crisp air with your family? Can you play a little football in the garden? Choose an activity to get yourself moving today!

Have a lovely weekend! Don’t forget to check the normal Year 2 blog for a celebration of the work you have been producing both in and out of school.

Miss Woodend