Year 2 Remote Learning - Wednesday 6th January

Good Morning Year 2!

Welcome to the new Remote Learning section of the website. Here you will find the daily learning for each day. Each day there will be at least 3 lessons - Maths, English and another subject (some days there may be more). I understand that each family is facing their own challenges at home, so please work through as much of the activities as you can, when you can. Some days you may be able to complete all of the activities, and others you may need to catch up on a few lessons in a day. However, you will need to follow the lessons in the order they are posted, as most lessons build on from each other. If you do have any questions or concerns, please do no hesitate to ask. My email is

As in the previous lockdown, it would be great to receive photographs of you completing your wonderful work. Please also send these to the email above. Myself and the rest of the Year 2 team, however, are still in school teaching full time. Therefore, you may not receive an immediate response. Please be assured that I will be checking my emails regularly, and although you may not get a response straight away, I am incredibly proud and appreciate all of your time and effort being put into your learning at home.

Activity sheets may be provided for lessons but I understand that not all of you have access to a printer. Drawing jottings in your exercise books is absolutely fine and it would be great to see snapshots of your work in photographs too.

Here are the learning activities for today.




Watch the video below. Here you will learn all about pulse!

PE - Yoga

As today is Yoga day, enjoy this Cosmic Kids Yoga in the comfort of your own home!

Have a wonderful day!

Miss Woodend