Year 1 Remote Learning - Friday 22nd January

Happy Friday Year 1! We’re nearly at the end of another brilliant week of learning. I cannot wait to see your Jungle descriptions today. Don’t forget to go read the main blog later this afternoon, to find out who got this week’s certificates.

What are we learning today?


I have removed the table to make the website more user friendly. If you need to check which videos are suitably challenging, you can find the table on the how to help your child page.

Make sure you are reading for at least 20 minutes every day. I would love you to quiz on Accelerated Reader at least once a week. You can find the link on the how to help your child page.


I have uploaded the maths worksheet below, if your child would prefer to complete this on paper and not on purple mash.


Have a brilliant day year 1 and I will see you on Monday.

Big smiles,

Miss Lane