Good morning Year 3
Are we making you hungry yet with all these pictures of sweets and chocolate? Are you ready for more amazing learning today children? We hope so. Which learning character are you going to be today? Remember to make sure that you are concentrating and working hard today. We hope that you enjoy the lessons.
How are you doing with your reading? Find yourself a quiet place today and see if you can finish your book. Make sure that you get comfy and then you can get lost in the story. See if you can take a quiz too.
Happy Reading!
Maths fluency
Here is your video marking yesterday’s fluency, please watch this before you have a go at today’s on Purple Mash.
Here is your maths lesson for today. Also a helpful hint from Stan to make a division symbol on a computer you press down the ‘Alt’ button and type the numbers 0247. It’s very clever! I have been meaning to tell you for a couple of days and kept forgetting! Stan has just told me on Purple Mash, thank you.
It’s Thursday today, so we have a spelling lesson for you. Watch the video carefully and then complete the learning tasks.
I have also set you a spelling quiz on Purple Mash. Make sure that you listen carefully and then type your answers.
Have a go at your French today and see if you can impress your family with your language skills.
Task 1
Make this days of the week flower, if you do not have a printer do not worry you just need to copy the days of the week onto ovals of paper and fix it together to make the flower. Click on the button below for the flower template.
Task 2
Practise your colours in French, watch the video below.
Task 3
Complete the colour hunt challenge, see the button below.