Year 2 Remote Learning - Thursday 28th January


Welcome to Thursday’s lessons Year 2.
You have a book review to complete today, and more grouping in maths!


At this moment in time, due to the nature of the circumstances, online learning is the only way that I can record and deliver lessons. I am aware that we are all spending time on computers and devices, much more than we usually would. This week I want to see photographs of you taking screen breaks. I have put some ideas above about what you could do…but this is important. Make sure you give yourself breaks during the day and relax your brains.



Before you start today’s activity, I thought that you might like to see the Woo Clap cloud that you all created yesterday by sending in your words. It was amazing to see the words flying onto the screen in class and the adjectives used were great. The larger the word is, the more votes it had. Therefore, you can see that fluffy, kind and brave were very popular choices. Well done Year 2 - this is certainly something we can use more and it will be great when we need to collect ideas for our writing!

27.1.21 - woo clap describe plop.PNG

Here is today’s activity.

Please quiz on ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark’ today too.


Remember to read for at least 30 minutes today. All online reading help can be found in ‘How to help your child’.

PE & Zoom Call

I can’t wait to see you all later for our Zoom call. Before the call, I would like you to get moving and go on a little scavenger hunt, either outside in the garden, out on a walk or inside the house.

Be prepared with some of your findings written down. We may get chance to discuss the different things that you found during our chat.


Have a look at Mrs Curtis’ Art page for this week’s art challenge.

Have a wonderful day!

Miss Woodend