Year 2 Remote Learning - Thursday 21st January

Welcome to Thursday’s lessons Year 2.
The next chapter of our story to enjoy, and more multiplication in maths!


Sorry - you’ll notice a little mixup with the fluency. Please just have a go at completing yesterday’s!


This video does cut off at the end. For your activity, you are finding adverbs from within the text. Once you have found the adverbs, I would like you to put the words into your own sentences. Those sentences could be related to the story or can be your own made up sentences. For example, if the adverb was ‘quickly’, my sentences could be:
Plop flew quickly to the landing branch
Miss Woodend ran quickly to the playground.
Don’t forget your neatest cursive handwriting!

I have also set a short Adverb quiz as a 2DO to complete on Purple Mash.


Remember to read for at least 30 minutes today. All online reading help can be found in ‘How to help your child’.


Watch the video and complete the spelling activities below.


Have a look at Mrs Curtis’ Art page for this week’s art challenge.

Have a wonderful day!

Miss Woodend