Year 2 Remote Learning - Friday 15th January

It’s Friday! Well done for completing another week of super online learning!
Don’t forget to check the weekly blog for a celebration of this week’s learning … I wonder who will get the certificates this week?




Have a go at the short Purple Mash challenge below. I would really like everyone to practise this, as next week I will be setting a little more work on Purple Mash for you to complete which I can then mark.


Remember to read for at least 30 minutes today. All online reading help can be found in ‘How to help your child’.
Don’t forget that I am checking your targets on Accelerated Reader and can see those children who are quizzing from home. If you might be one of those people that haven’t yet read or quizzed, make sure that you start this today please. I am aware however, that some books read at home might not be on the system to quiz on, but please do check just in case!


Have a look at the January Active Calendar below. Can you complete today’s task? Could you complete any of the previous days that have been missed?

january active calendar.JPG

A bit of a shorter learning day to match those in school.
Have a great weekend,
Miss Woodend