Year 2 Remote Learning - Tuesday 12th January

Good Morning Year 2!
Here are today’s learning activities. Keep up the hard work - you are all making me so proud!


Epic is a website and app which has lots of free ebooks. There is free access to reading books for children between 7am-4pm on weekdays. On here you can find books by Accelerated Reader level. Your child may not be able to quiz on these on the Accelerated Reader Portal - but the main thing is that they are reading. Some books will however, have a quiz on Accelerated Reader and can be found by typing in the title. I have set up a profile for the children learning remotely. All you have to do it download the getepic app or go to and type in the class code: gxd2903.

Your child can then select their name and start reading! I can also see what they are reading from home.

Please email if you are unsure of your child’s reading ZPD level -

The above information, as well as Accelerater Reader and Oxford Owl help for reading can all be found together in the ‘How to help your child’ section of the Year 2 page. This may be useful if you would like to access the reading platforms each day.

Please read for at least 30 minutes every day. Remember - this could be 15 minutes in the morning, then 15 minutes in the evening, or you could do it in one session.




Last week, you watched the story of Jairus’ daughter. Now read the story by clicking on the button below.

Now have a think.
Why did Jesus wanted to help Jairus?  Was it because he was an important man, probably rich or because he had faith in Jesus, he believed Jesus was God’s son and he had the power to cure his daughter?

What happened before Jesus arrived at the house?  How were the neighbours feeling?  What do you think they believed about Jesus?  What is the good news in the story?

Now have a look at the images from the story below. Are they in the correct order? Which order should they be in? If you are able to, print the images, cut and stick them into the right order in your books. Then, can you write a sentence explaining which part of the story the image is showing? Don’t forget that you can use the story above to help you.

Finally, read the poem below. Can you write a final verse to the poem, showing how happy the mother was that her daughter was alive?


Get your body moving by following the video below:

Today I would like you to practise your underarm throwing. Find a ball (or something you can throw) and something to use as a target (a bin, a hoop). How many times can you hit your target?

Use the image opposite and check that you are standing in the correct position. Remember, opposite leg forward to the arm you are throwing with. Use your other arm for aim and balance.

Enjoy your day!

Miss Woodend