We’ve had a lovely week exploring pirates! Thank you for organising costumes with the children all looked brilliant today and certainly got into character. Next week we look forward to more pirate adventures, code breaking and listening carefully to instructions to find special treasure.
We have been introduced to Concentrate Cooper Crab and Have a go, Tommy Turtle this week. Cooper reminds us to concentrate on the task in hand, make a plan and focus. Tommy encourages us to be brave and learn from our mistakes.
All the characters and more information can be found here, https://www.ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk/learning-characters in the learn section of our website.
We have had a busy week of learning and growing our brains.
In RE we listened to Psalm 139 and thought about how much God loves us.
We decided that God’s love is bigger than… the school field, the moon, a giant, an elephant, the sea, Church, a mountain and Blackpool Tower! God’s love is everywhere and it’s shown through the wonderful world around us.
We continued our Read Write Inc (RWI) lessons and the children have now learnt eight sounds which is amazing. This week we have learnt the bouncy sounds and one stretchy sound…
During Maths this week has we have been investigating number 3 and 4, we discovered that 3 and 4 can be made in different ways.
In PE our Fundamental Movement Skill (FMS) this week has been JUMPING. We made sure our feet were a shoulder width apart, swung our arms back, pushed off from our toes and bent our knees when we landed.
We found some pirate treasure hiding in the garden, there were 28 gold coins! Then we found Captain Sleepy fast asleep on Miss Lavelle’s desk, he wasn’t very good at guarding the treasure. Unfortunatley Captain Blackbeard kept moving it and we had to think of some ideas to get it down from the shed roof! Blackbeard also took the words from ‘The Tale of Captain Sleepy’ book so we decided to write some new adventures for him! We will share them with you next week!
Important Notices
Homework - The children have been sent home with a homework book this week, please enjoy the activities together and return the books by next Wednesday (30th). I’d love to see the different objects used to make the letters, pictures are welcomed via email.
Pirates - Please send a small labelled plastic bottle next week as we will be sending secret pirate messages
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Lavelle, Miss Neves and Barbara