"If you have hope, anything is possible!"

We’ve had another busy week in Reception! We have been so impressed with how sensibly and calmly the children are coming into the classroom each day. Monday will be here before we know it, and all the children and teachers are very excited to have the class altogether.

In RHE this week we have been talking about HOPE. We shared the story of Noah’s Ark and talked about why God painted a rainbow. We thought about all the hopeful rainbows we saw in windows during lockdown.

The children thought of some lovely things they are hopeful for…

‘I hope we can play on the big playground soon’

‘I hope the germs go away and everyone is safe’

‘I hope everyone washes their hands’

‘I hope we can see our other friends soon’

We have continued our Colour Monster discussions and created some brilliant artwork in the style of Jackson Pollock. We carefully tapped our paintbrushes to create this effect.


Homework Challenge

We need all the children to practice putting their coats on and zipping them up. As you can understand the end of the day could get a little busy if we have lots of children needing help. The main struggle this week has been pulling the sleeves back through when they are the wrong way out, after taking their coat off. Thank you for your support!

Important information

  • Please check you emails and press on the link to fill out a medical information form.

  • Please return any flu immunisation and questionnaires on Monday.

  • Thank you to everyone who has sent a family photo, if you haven’t done so already please send one over the weekend.

  • Please could your child bring their own packet of tissues to school with them if the have a cold or runny nose.

Have a fantastic weekend, we will see you ALL bright and early on Monday morning.

Miss Lavelle, Miss Neves, Barbara