'May this season remind you of the Hope, Joy, Love and Peace found in Christ'


We have had a busy week in Reception filled with hope, anticipation and reflection.

In RE this week we talked about how we can prepare for Christmas, we thought about what we have already done at home to make this time of celebration extra special. We used our hands to make an advent wreath for our class and look forward to ‘lighting’ another candle on Monday. We made birthday cards for Jesus, we have four December birthdays to look forward to in our class too.

In Maths this week we have been counting different groups of objects and adding one more. We were interested to see the total was more than before. We have also been counting forwards and backwards from different numbers and saying the next number in the sequence.

Jingles the Elf phoned us this week to let us know he was very very busy in the workshop. He asked if we could tell stories about him going on an adventure. He wanted to read them to the other elves. We had good fun writing some stories and look forward to more of us have a go next week.

It’s fantastic to see writing on these stories, we have been ‘Fredding’ the sounds and writing what we can hear!

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Let’s Celebrate

Hugo is a Curious Clara Clownfish -For asking important questions about new things and thinking of ways to solve a problem whilst playing. You have taken sensible risks when playing outside with the loose parts. Well done Hugo!

Nathan is a Cooperative Rodger Robin - For being a great team player in our class and caring for others. You have show kindness towards others this week if they are sad or upset. Well done Nathan!

Important Notices

Names on clothes - Over the weekend please can you ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled.

Homework - Can be found in yellow books this week. Please return homework books next Wednesday.

Friday 11th December - Christmas hat day - £1 donation to take part.

Tuesday 15th December - Danceathon - £1 donation to take part.

All donations will be given to Brian House Hospice.

I had a request for a whole class photo, this was taken in the middle of November, unfortunately I forgot to add it in to our blog. These are the best of many many photos attempts!

Have a fantastic weekend from all the Reception team!
