Our First week in Year 1

The first week in year 1 has flown by! The children have settled in beautifully and it has been so wonderful to open the classroom door to 30 smiles each day. I am so excited for the learning adventure we have ahead of us.

This week we have mainly been focusing on our school learning characters. The children have been reminding themselves of why it is so important to have a growth mindset when they are learning.

This half term the we will be focusing on how we can be learned and wise. The children heard the story of the wise old owl, who found that the less he spoke the more he heard. The children thought deeply about how they could grow to be wise through their learning; I was blown away by the thoughtful suggestions the children came up with! I have challenged the children to make wise choices - I wonder if you can spot wise decision making at home?

Class Tiger

The Tiger has been so impressed with all of the role models in Year 1 this week. However, this week he has decided to visit Rafe’s house! Rafe your beautiful manners and appreciation for our class rules has been delightful. The Tiger is so excited to come and stay with you.

This week I have introduced the children to our class Tiger, from the super story - The Tiger Who came to Tea. Each week the Tiger will be coming home with one of the children who has been a role model to their peers. The Tiger comes with his story book, which you can read together as a family and his Big Book of Adventures, for you to record what the Tiger has been up to.

Learning Certificates

The children’s behaviour for learning has been a delight this week. All of the children should be so proud of themselves.

Cooper Crab - Isaac you have been so focused with your learning this week. You have put all of your effort into your work and have encouraged your friends on your table to do the same. Every day you have ‘stopped, looked and listened’ straight away and have shared lots of insightful thoughts during class. Well done Isaac, give yourself a pat on the back!

Bobby Bee - Esther you have been such an enthusiastic learner this week! Your hand has been up in the air in every lesson and you have completed your class work with confidence and a smile. You have shown to your classmates how magical learning can be when we put in that extra effort! Give yourself a round of applause!

It has been so lovely chatting to lots of you this week, I’m so looking forward to working with you all in supporting your child’s learning. Please do bare with me as I learn all your faces - I’ll get there, I promise!

Home Learning

Details of this weeks homework can be found under ‘Year 1 Homework’.

Have a joyful weekend.

God Bless,

Miss Lane and Miss Woodrow