Half Term Already!

It has been a glorious half term with the children experiencing lots of new and exciting learning opportunities.

The garden is taking shape, you may have noticed the splendid array of poppies which have grown in one of our tractor tyres; the herb garden is looking and smelling lovely and the seeds we planted in the vegetable boxes are also looking promising. The children are responsible for their care and check their progress every single day! 

This week the children have been enjoying playing with the large soft shapes. Each day they have made a huge pirate ship and sailed to distant lands in search of treasure! On Wednesday our treasure chest went missing...catastrophe! We had to telephone Supercroccy to help save the day. The children thought Captain Hook may have been the culprit.

Overall the weather has been quite good this half term which has meant water....lots and lots of water!! We have sprayed each other, made water machines, had great fun with the large water play equipment in the garden and of course done lots of paddling. On the really hot days we had ice pops to cool down!

Finally, we have been extremely busy preparing for Sports Day. The t-shirts are ready and now we are waiting for the big event!!!

I hope you have a fabulous (and restful) half term break and we look forward to seeing for the final half term of the year.