We have now raised £4,000 for St Peter’s in Uganda which has been used to build a new toilet block. Over the next year we hope to raise a further £2,000 which will be put towards building a kitchen in the school. Here is an excerpt from the last e mail to Miss Hornby from Charles Weleba, who we liaise with.
“ ’Thanks for all the work you are doing there. I hope that you have received our photos to show you the work done so far. We are receiving heavy rainfall which has affected our work, but God’s Mercy has enabled us reach this stage. We are still working on the pit latrine. It has eight stances (4 for girls and 4 for boys) as you see two curtain walls. The parents, board members and entire community have really appreciated your financial support to improve the sanitation in the school. They have vowed to be praying for your school. I will send you more updates as we progress. God bless you’.”
Please see the photographs below. They will warm your heart!