"Do what I ask you to do."

In assembly today, we looked carefully at the first miracle that Jesus performed; the wedding at Cana. Like us, you may think that this parable is all about Jesus and what he did, but infact, it was about Mary and her faith in her son. So many times in our life we doubt that we can do something because we may not be ready or our time has not come yet - this is exactly what Jesus said to Mary, “My hour is not here.” These words we will hear again in the coming weeks when in fact, Jesus’s hour does come. This parable fits in with our Jesuit virtures this half-term. Mary epitomised faith; in every sense of the word. She believed in Jesus when he didn’t believe in himself. Who will you have faith in this week?

Next Friday, we will be launching the Year of Hope; the jubilee year in the Catholic Church that comes around every 25 years. It will be a really special time for us, along with the diocesan centenary this year.

Our next family mass will take place on Sunday 2nd February at 9.30am. Again, as in the previous masses, I will rotate things around to give all children the chance to take part over the year.

Our Mini-Vinnies need you!

Thank you so much for the donations that we have received into school this week. The reception area is a haven of tinned soup - we will continue to collect these during the month of January. We have also been inundated with warm clothes and blankets for the homeless which are being collected in reception too. Our Mini-Vinnies will be collecting them and taking them to a local charity. This really is kindness in action!

Standards in School

At the start of the year, I was really clear about school uniform and what we expect to see in school each and every day. Being part of a family means representing the school and wearing it’s uniform correctly. Please can I ask that the correct uniform is worn daily, along with the correct PE kit. PE kit should only be worn on PE days and it is navy jogger, leggings and shorts. Recently, black has appeared, but not only that, football shorts and joggers/leggings with slogans down the side. Please can you also check jewellery and watches etc. This is not worn for PE lessons. Thank you for your cooperation. I have really high standards, but this is so important to ensure that there is consistency and we are proud of our school.

Forest School photos of the week…

This week it was pancakes on the stove. After some den making, tree climbing and bird watching, Miss Lavelle made some delicious pancakes to enjoy along with hot chocolate. Mrs Hills, our Chair of Governors, joined us for a sing song around the camp fire. Our nursery ended their week with a story around the fire (you may spot our nursery ladies running as dragons) and some lovely hot chocolate with toasted marshmallows!

Shining the way this week…

Our STAR virtues and learning award winners this week

Office News

Parents’s Day is fast approaching; Friday 14th February. Next week, booking will be available on the school website for this day.

Our Weekly Attendance

Well done to Year 4 this week with 100% who will earn extra break time next week.

On Wedndesday afternoon, a group of Year 5 & 6 children represented the school at the Fylde and Wyre Indoor Athletics competition. I have put together a snippet of the event with photos and films. Representing school is a huge thing and the expectation to be an ambassador is high. The children were wonderful and the event went swimmingly.

God certainly seems to have been calling his angels recently, and after sharing the deaths of both Paul Boustead and Mary Webster last week, we have been saddened to hear of the passing of Bobbie Brown. Many of you will know Bobbie and her connection to the school for over 50 years, with her children and grandchildren. There was not a nativity that Bobbie did not attend, or school play, or family mass. She lived and breathed Our Ladys and whenever she came into school or to church, she would always turn to me and say she felt at “home” - she was Our Ladys through and through; we will certainly miss seeing her. Again, our condolences have been shared with the family and I know the church will be full as her life is celebrated. We pray for Bobbie, but thank God for her love and warmth over so many years.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.

God bless

Mrs Gregan