Throughout our history, there have been some really bossy kings out there! Some that were power hungry, greedy and didn’t see the vision of what the country could be. This week in school, we have been thinking about what we would do if we were king. On Sunday, we celebrate Christ the King. Jesus was a king who ruled with love - nothing else and his kingdom is not of this world. To help us, I asked some of our All Stars what they would do if they were a king. Some of them chose to be the bossy king, some of them chose to rule with love. See what you think?
Next Sunday sees the start of Advent and our second family mass. Our first family mass was so well attended; thank you to everyone who came. This Mass will be extra special as it is the first Sunday of Advent - what a lovely way to start it together.
The children who will be directly involved in the Mass on Sunday are on the PDF below. If your child’s name isn’t listed, they will be involved, just sat with you taking part in the mass. Those children who are in the choir, will be sat in the choir loft with the parish choir. The readers and offertory children can sit with their parents and come up when it is there turn for involvement. Staff will be present too to support.
For the homily, as with every homily on the 1st Sunday of Advent, there will be a letter read out written by Bishop Paul. Having been visited by Bishop Paul this year, it will be special for the children to hear directly from him in a letter.
We look forward to seeing you on Sunday 1st December. Following mass, there is the monthly coffee and craft club at the Parish Centre. Please do attend if you are able to.
I have loved hearing the stories of the travelling nativities making their way into each of your homes. What a gorgeous photo this is.
Christmas is coming…
Thank you to everyone who has booked a place on the Christmas Pottery session - it is going to be lovely to get all christmassy after school on Tuesday 3rd December. It will start at 3.30pm straight after school and should be about an hour; with Christmas treats and drinks. Next week on the blog, I will put the booking forms for the KS1 and KS2 film night, you can then book a place.
For the next two Fridays, it is own clothes day and bring something for the Christmas raffle.
Friday 29th November - Own clothes day and bring a bar or bag of chocolate for the raffle.
Friday 6th December - Own clothes day and bring a bottle of your choice for the raffle.
We will be making hamper bags out of the donations to add to the raffle prizes.
The Great Our Lady Bake Off
After the success of last year’s master bake off - it returns for 2024. I know many of the children have already planned their bakes for the day, and I am really excited to taste them! There is a menu of choice again here so you can get involved as much or as little as you want. See the poster to find out the information and decide what you would like to you.
We will open the hall at the end of the day for further cake to be bought by families.
This is such a wonderful fundraiser for the school - and we get to eat cake in the process.
STARs of the Week
Well done to our children this week who have been beacons of light for us all. You have shone so brightly to demonstrate our virtues; intentional and prophetic, and with excellent learning.
Office News
Our Weekly Attendance
What a week it has been with the arrival of our packed lunch service into school. We have needed time to see how it would work and how we would ensure that the children all had enough to eat - which they have; it has been like a buffet! Now that we have mastered this, we can add in some additional options. Next week, there will be some hot dinners in the mix as well as the sandwiches:
Monday - Meatball Sub
Tuesday - Packed Lunch
Wednesday - Packed Lunch
Thursday - Beef/Veggie Burgers
Friday - Pizza slices
Nativity tickets have flown out of the office this week; please do send in your slips and payment with what you want for the tickets. Mrs Nel is on hand to answer any questions that you might have.
Chicken pox has been doing its rounds this week, especially amongst our younger children. Please do keep an eye on this at home over the weekend. The children can only return to school once all of the spots have scabbed over.
Have a wonderful weekend with your families. The feeling of Christmas will soon be fully upon us.
God bless
Mrs Gregan