"Come, Holy Spirit Come."

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday; the feast day of the coming of the Holy Spirit. The disciples were given tongues of fire and this incredibly gift to give them strength to tackle whatever came their way. They now had the responsibility to ensure that God’s Kingdom continued to grow here on earth, and for us all to hear the word of God without any fear.

There is a group of children this week who have tackled everything that has come their way with no fear and with pure determination. At the end of Year 6, the children have to complete a set of national assessments that all children in Year 6 have to do before heading off to high school. I could not be prouder of our children this week. Each morning, the children have walked into the hall with a huge smile on their faces, knowing that this was their time to shine. We spoke about not always been good at shining, that we are very modest as a community. But this week…boy did they shine and boy did they need a treat at the end of it!

Next for the children is the end of year play and jobs around school. In their final half term, they will be taking on SERVICE WITH A SMILE. Auditions and interviews will be taking place next week, and songs from The Greatest Show will be heard after half term as our Year 5 & 6 children will be putting on the show of all shows!

Becoming Sustainable

Thank you to everyone who has been involved in Green Day today, raising money for new litter pickers and bird houses for our garden. So far, we have raised £182. If you are yet to donate your £1, please do. Let’s see how much money we can raise.

Next Thursday the Forest School Area will start to be cleared. Fylde Ranger team, together with Year 5, will be clearing the floor and cutting down bushes to create space for the canopy area that will be built in the Autumn term. It really is exciting!

Learning Role Models of the Week

We managed to get mixed up on our pictures today!

Learning Role models and Virtue Butterflies

Office news…

Our Weekly Attendance

Well done to Year 3 this week with 100%. Our whole school attendance for this week is 97.7%

As we approach the final week of school this half-term, please can you ensure that you have visited Parent Pay and paid for all experiences your child has had: judo, archery, trips etc; and dinner money for this half term has been settled. For Summer 2, dinner money will be £2.50 per meal, costing £75 for the half term. Thank you kindly.

Wrap Around Care

Thank you to everyone who completed the form for wrap around care during the next half-term. Having looked at the numbers with Mr Nay, we are able to put on a club from 8am-3pm on Monday 3rd, Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th June. Unfortuantly the numbers were too low for the Thursday and Friday. If you click on the button below, you can book a place for the days that you require.

We are also at the point where we can confirm that wrap around care will be opening in school from September. This will take the form of a breakfast club and after school club. We have been asked to ensure that we are providing care from 8am - 6pm. In order for us to plan how this will look for us in school, we need some firmer market research and expression of interests. If you would like a place in our school wrap around care (name of which to be decided) please complete the expression of interest form below. As we gather more information and formulate plans, we will release more details in due course. This is a really exciting development in the offer that we are providing for our pupils. It will mean that they can attend both clubs in school and wrap around care.

Tomorrow, our next group of children will be making their First Holy Communion. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. I look forward to sharing their photographs with you next week.

All of our extra-curricular clubs (cricket, judo, archery and football) have finished for this half-term. The new timetable will be published next week for the final half-term in school.

Have a lovely weekend with your families.

God bless

Mrs Gregan