"Be kind whenever possible..."

With our Nativity not long away, we have been busy rehearsing! The children were so excited to practise on the big stage, and they are itching to wear their costumes. We cannot wait to show you the children’s hard work. The children are performing their Nativity for Jesus and I am sure that you will see how much they love Him throughout their performance.


Roger Robin Ciaran for.. being so caring towards others Ciaran. You always think of others and, when seeing someone upset, you are one of the first to give them a hug and to help them to feel happy again. Thank you Ciaran, for your kind actions and words, these always help to make our classroom a happy and caring place.

Cooper Crab Lily for… trying so hard this week to stay focused! We are so impressed with you Lily, you have grown so much during these past few weeks and seeing your improved self-control is wonderful! Your concentration has shone and really shows in your learning. Keep up this brilliant effort Lily!


We have now learnt all of our initial sounds, and we are currently focusing on blending these sounds together to hear or read words. This skill is improving by the day, and the children have really worked hard to recognise the green and red words that were sent home earlier in the term. Please continue to practise reading and handwriting at home.

Nativity parts

Please continue to practise parts at home. Most of the children know when to say their lines but not everyone. This is the last weekend before our Nativity so we really need to make sure that everybody knows their line, can say it loudly and is able to add gestures where appropriate. Thank you for your co-operation.

Silly Sock and Christmas jumper day

On Friday 13th December we are asking children and teachers to wear their best Christmas jumper and silly socks. This is because Year 6 would like to raise £1,000 for Brian House. Please bring £1 to school on this day to help Year 6 reach their target. Thank you. 

We hope that you all have a wonderful weekend together as a family.

Miss Bassett, Miss Neves and Mrs Malley

Happy Half term everybody!

Although we have had a short week, we have certainly packed in a lot! We were kept busy on Monday, making special harvest biscuits ready for our harvest celebration. On Tuesday we joined together with our friends from Year 1, 2 and Nursery, for our harvest celebration. We listened to Year 2 beautifully read a gospel story, Year 1 shared a special poem and  Nursery danced away to the harvest festival song. It was such a nice way to celebrate! Today, we have been looking at how to use electrical equipment safely and  what we should do if we are ever unsure, when using an IPad, IPhone or computer game.

We have had the most wonderful first half term in school. The children are all settled and have made delightful friendships with one another. We hope that you all enjoy the next week, spending time together as a family and resting up ready for our next exciting half term together. 

Miss Bassett, Miss Neves and Mrs Malley