Year 5 Weekly Homework- Due 20th December


  1. develop

  2. determined

  3. familiar

  4. definite

  5. awkward

  6. persuade

  7. especially

  8. guessed

  9. rhythm

  10. curiosity

Christmas Concert Practice- PRIORITY

We have now finished all of our concert practice sessions and with our concert being on Monday, it s crucial that children spend the weekend going over any of the songs that they do not know as well. All of the songs and lyrics are on last weeks blog.

The song in particular that needs the most practice is ‘While Shepherds Watched’. This is because each class sings a different verse so it is more independent of each child to loudly and confidently sing the lyrics. We are singing Verse 2 which is;

“Fear not,” said he for mighty dread

had seized their troubled mind

“glad tidings of great joy I bring

to you and all mankind

Year 5 Homework- Due Thursday 14th December


  1. silence

  2. absence

  3. magnificence

  4. intelligence

  5. obedience

  6. dependence

  7. innocence

  8. patience

  9. confidence

  10. evidence

Christmas Concert Practice- PRIORITY

With only two whole group practice sessions left, it it vital that we are practicing our songs for the KS2 Christmas concert. Here are the videos from our previous practice sessions. Some children have lost their lyric sheets so I have uploaded the lyrics for all of our songs down below.

Year 5 Homework- Due December 7th


The focus for this week has been double letter words. The first 5 are words we have learned this week and the rest are other double letter words- some of which we have covered already this year.

  1. embarrass

  2. excellent

  3. exaggerate

  4. especially

  5. interrupt

  6. accommodate

  7. appreciate

  8. aggressive

  9. address

  10. access

Christmas Concert Practice

The next 3 songs of our Christmas concert have been practiced this week. Next week, we will begin practicing at church so it is vital that children are learning the lyrics at home so they are prepared.

The Great Our Lady Bake Off & Christmas Jumpers- Friday 8th December

We are one week away from the Our Lady Christmas Bake Off. Both children and staff will be entering separate competitions and everyone will take part in judging all of our entries. This is all in aid to raise money for Brian House- to give children less fortunate than ourselves a wonderful Christmas.

£3 - Bake Off Entry Fee

£1 - Cake Sale

£1 - Christmas Jumper

9:00 - 9:30am - Judging! 

This will take place in the classroom for individual bakes and in the hall for the family bakes. The bakes will be judged on 2 things: flavour and festive appearance. Teaching team are judging the taste and the children are judging the appearance -one winner per class. For those children who are doing a family bake, these will come into the hall and Mrs Gregan and Mrs Nel will judge these. Make it special. Have a gingham altar at the front of your class and make it a real event. 

Breaktimes - Cake Sale

We will then separate the bakes and have some for the class bake sale and keep some for the parents in the afternoon. The children will be bringing in £1 for the cake sale. See how much is brought in and then decide how much the children can buy. 

2pm - 3pm: Parents Carols and Cakes

Year 5 Homework- Due 30th November


  1. frequent

  2. patient

  3. ancient

  4. innocent

  5. dependent

  6. intelligent

  7. obedient

  8. magnificent

  9. different

  10. confident

Christmas Concert Practice

We practiced the next few songs of our Christmas concert this week. Please dedicate some time to learning these songs to help make our concert amazing when in church.

Maths- Money

Will be on IXL;

  • R1- Comparing money amounts

  • R3- Add and subtract money amounts

Geography- Rivers

Next week, we will be starting our first geography topic of rivers. In preperation, choose one famous river in the world and create a poster about this river. Your poster might include facts such as location, size, length and other interesting facts about your chosen river.

Here is a list of some of the most known rivers around the world;

  • Thames

  • Nile

  • Amazon

  • Mississippi

  • Ganges

  • Yangzee

  • Rhine

  • Dandube

Year 5 Homework- Due 23rd November


The focus for this week are homophones. There are 3 pairs of homophones in the list that we have learned this week and the rest are other homophones that have been previously learnt.

  1. allowed

  2. guest

  3. passed

  4. stationery

  5. cereal

  6. farther

  7. pear

  8. aloud

  9. guessed

  10. past

Christmas concert practice

We have practiced ourfirst 3 songs of our nativity concert. These songs are;

  • Joy to the World

  • Mary Did you Know

  • Bring him Home (God on High)


Will be on IXL;

  • K10- Square numbers


Will be in their homework books. The children are to complete the main clauses of the ‘ed’ sentence starters which are about our class novel- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

The children are then to research and choose 3 of their own ed sentence starters and write a sentence for each of them about our class novel.

Year 5 Homework- Due 16th November


The focus for this weeks spellings are words ending in -ibly and -ably.

  1. understandably

  2. sensibly

  3. comfortably

  4. incredibly

  5. considerably

  6. terribly

  7. miserably

  8. possibly

  9. suitably

  10. horribly

Science- Gravity

In our forces topic, we have been looking at gravity and have experimented with measuring the force of gravity (weight). In the experiment, we were measuring the mass of objects (using a weighing scale) and also the force of gravity of the object (using a forcemeter).

Their 2 tasks for this week are;

1) Find 10 fun facts about gravity- design this into a poster or fact file in your homework books.

2) Measure the mass of 5 objects in your house using a weighing scale. Then using our conversion rate, calculate the force of gravity for that object.

100g (mass) = 1N(force of gravity)

1kg = 1000g


In our maths lessons, we will be doing 10/15 minutes of multiplication fluency at the start of every lesson to make sure that our times tables are mastered before starting our big multiplication topic after Christmas. This will be on IXL;

  • D7- Multiplication facts up to 12

Year 5 Homework- Thursday 9th November

Assembly Practice

All lines to be fully rehearsed by Monday- will be practising without scripts.

Focus on fully remembering our prayer and the lyrics to our song.

Song- ‘Count On Me’ by Bruno Mars


Please help our world leaders and ourselves to make the right decisions (Red ties)

To keep our world safe and to make peace amongst each other (Blue ties)

We pray that the wars across the world come to an end. (Red ties)

That our world is kept safe by keeping it clean as we tackle climate change. (Blue ties)

And that us people, your creation, can find more peaceful ways of dealing with our differences. (Red ties)

May we remain hopeful that peace and good fortune will come good and that your faith fills the hearts of the world. (Blue ties)


The first 6 spellings are new words that we have learnt this week. The last 4 are other tricky words that we have covered this year.

  1. rhyme

  2. rhythm

  3. symbol

  4. system

  5. forty

  6. curiosity

  7. appreciate

  8. invisible

  9. believable

  10. attached


Will be on IXL;

  • DD2- Model decimals and fractions

  • DD4- Place values in decimal numbers

Music- Clarinets

To practice;

  • Jingle Bells- E G C x 10

  • Dancing in the street- G G G A G x 5

Year 5 Homework for half term


  1. fasten

  2. listen

  3. glisten

  4. soften

  5. castle

  6. rustle

  7. hustle

  8. bustle

  9. jostle

  10. whistle


Lots of time for reading over half term so I am expecting lots of children ready to quiz when we get back. Aim for at least 20 minutes a day.

Assembly practice

Everyone has been given their script and the whole class have had a rundown of what the assembly is out. The key at the top of the script page will indicate what colour tie you are to wear. Please can you bring your coloured tie in when back in school. Tips for helping to practice for assemblies;

  • Highlight your lines in the script.

  • Make a note of who you’re speaking after and the last word of their line.

  • Focus on expression and how you want to say your lines.


Any child who did not complete last weeks IXL homework then please get this finished over half term. The homework’s were

Maths- A5

English- CC7

Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 6th October


This weeks focus is homophones. In order to practice these, children will have to hear the word in context to differentiate it from the homophone pair.

  1. cereal

  2. steal

  3. father

  4. stationery

  5. heard

  6. serial

  7. farther

  8. stationary

  9. herd

  10. steel


The children are to complete the grammar sheet in their books which is about using commas to separate clauses. They are then to write 5 of their own sentences which have to include;

  • a main clause and subordinate clause.

  • a comma to seperate the clauses.



To practice ‘Dancing in the street’ with the backing track on to these notes.

Challenge- can you walk up? C D E F G A

Year 5 Homework to be handed in by Thursday 28th September


  1. terrible

  2. possible

  3. sensible

  4. visible

  5. legible

  6. edible

  7. reversible

  8. credible

  9. responsible

  10. horrible


A worksheet about fronted adverbials has been stuck in their homework books. The children are to re-write the sentences so that the adverbial is at the start of the sentence. The first sentence has already been done by the children.


Will be on IXL;

  • A9- Writing numbers up to one million in words

Music- Due in on Monday 25th September

Will be on Charanga. The children are to go onto rhythm gird and create a rhythm similar to what we practiced on Monday. Go to settings and select 4:4 and do this by using notes E and D only.

Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 21st September


  1. fought

  2. nought

  3. ought

  4. bought

  5. cough

  6. trough

  7. rough

  8. tough

  9. enough

  10. thorough


Will be on IXL;

  • A1- Place value names up to millions

  • A2- value of a digit


Children are to select their own greek myth (cartoon only). This is to be found on YouTube and they need to find the 4 main points of the story for each page of their book. This can be done as a drawn sketch with annotations or just written out.

Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 14th September


This weeks focus has been words with the silent letter b

  1. thumb

  2. numb

  3. crumb

  4. debt

  5. doubt

  6. limb

  7. climb

  8. tomb

  9. comb

  10. subtle

Class Council Speeches

Our leadership assemblies will take place next week, where our roles of responsibility are announced. For anyone who would like to be a class councilor this year and also be apart of the school council, then you are to prepare a speech to tell your classmates why they should vote for you. One boy and one girl will be selected as our class councilors. You can not apply for class councilor if you have already been one in a previous year.

Homework Books

As it is the first week homework handout of the year, the children are to design the front cover of their homework books. You can choose to back these books as it helps protect the condition of them. This is so we do not get these books mixed with our computing books (same size and colour).

History- London preparation- Due Monday 12th September

The children are to write 5 curious questions in their homework book that they would like to find out about the Houses of Parliament or anything else to do with London and their task is to find the answer when we go on Tuesday.

Year 5 Homework 14.7.23


  1. variety

  2. vegetable

  3. vehicle

  4. yacht

  5. exaggerate

  6. sufficient

  7. physical

  8. prejudice

  9. awkward

  10. committee

  11. environment

  12. mischievous

    Mrs Mathers group


Debate time

The children have been split into 2 groups and they will have to prepare arguments to put forward for their debate. Children are to come up with reasons for their argument and use research to help support their team. The question is ‘Should homework be banned?’ The groups for this are;

For argument (homework should be banned)

Lily-Mae Rosa

Christian Ruby-Lilly

Emilia Anncia

Nicola Evan

Max Iris

Dominic Leon

Tabby Owen

Against argument (homework shouldn’t be banned)

Stanley Angel

Connor-Sean Leo

Harvey Millie

Daisy Edi

Jay Matilda

Georgia Alex

Molly-Ann Charlie


Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 13th July


  1. shoulder

  2. signature

  3. sincerely

  4. soldier

  5. stomach

  6. sufficient

  7. suggest

  8. symbol

  9. system

  10. temperature

  11. thorough

  12. twelfth

    Mrs Mather’s group

    1. young

    2. watch

    3. white

    4. until

    5. their

    6. they’re


Will be on IXL;

  • H13- Divide 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers.


Our music concert is less than two weeks away (10th July) so it is vital that we are all practicing the songs for this. They are all on charanga saved under the file ‘Music Concert 2022-23’

Year 5 Homework due on Thursday 6th July.


  1. profession

  2. programme

  3. pronunciation

  4. queue

  5. recognise

  6. recommend

  7. relevant

  8. restaurant

  9. rhyme

  10. rhythm

  11. sacrifice

  12. secretary

    Mrs Mathers group

    1. side

    2. second

    3. sometimes

    4. state

    5. took

    6. until


Will be on IXL;

  • F14- Multiply 2 digit numbers by 3 or 4 digit numbers.


Our music concert is less than two weeks away (10th July) so it is vital that we are all practicing the songs for this. They are all on charanga saved under the file ‘Music Concert 2022-23’

Year 5 Homework


  1. muscle

  2. necessary

  3. neighbour

  4. nuisance

  5. occupy

  6. occur

  7. opportunity

  8. parliament

  9. persuade

  10. physical

  11. prejudice

  12. privilege

    Mrs Mathers group

    1. side

    2. sometimes

    3. state

    4. took

    5. until


Our music concert is in two weeks time so it is vital that we are all practicing the songs for this. They are all on charanga saved under the file ‘Music Concert 2022-23’

Year 5 Homework to be handed in by Thursday 22nd July


  1. harass

  2. hindrance

  3. identify

  4. immediately

  5. individual

  6. interfere

  7. interrupt

  8. language

  9. leisure

  10. lightning

  11. marvellous

  12. mischievous

    Mrs Mather’s group

    1. girl

    2. grow

    3. leave

    4. miss

    5. mountain

    6. real


The date for our music concert has been set which is Monday 10th July. All of the songs have been posted on Charanga under ‘Music Concert 2023’. Children are to practice singing these songs and also playing them on the clarinet.

These are the songs that we will be singing for the end of year play in Year 6’s performance of ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. The children have all been given a copy of the lyrics for each song as these have been adjusted slightly to fit the theme of our play.

DISCLAIMER- The songs that we are singing will be slightly slower than the original versions of these songs so I would recommend slowing the audio down on the video.

Money, Money, Money

Flash Bang Wallop What a Picture

Design and Technology

Mrs Mather has set you a task to prepare for the next lesson. This needs to be brought in on Tuesday 20th June.

Mama Mia, Spaghetti Bolognaise!

Design and Technology Task.


Dear children,

In readiness for next weeks lesson, I would like you to collect Nutritional 

Value  labels from Spaghetti Bolognaise jars, packs and ready meals.

 You can either:

Have a look in your cupboards, fridges and freezers.


You can search on line for examples.

Please bring these with you on Tuesday, as we will be using them in the


Please feel free to email any photos to me on

It will be wonderful to see how many examples we can collect!

Have fun with it

Mrs Mather


Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 26th May


  1. equipment

  2. especially

  3. exaggerate

  4. excellent

  5. existence

  6. explanation

  7. familiar

  8. foreign

  9. forty

  10. frequently

  11. government

  12. guarantee

    Mrs Mather’s group

    1. colour

    2. enough

    3. Europe

    4. face

    5. family

    6. final


Will be on IXL;

  • Z14- Write fractions in lowest term (simplifying fractions)


To research the capital cities of the 23 countries of North America. These are to be included in the style of a poster, similar to last weeks geography homework.