Year 3 Homework- Tuesday 26th March


This weeks focus is long vowel sounds.
Spelling quiz will be on Monday 8th April.

  1. cake

  2. time

  3. home

  4. complete

  5. arrive

  6. decide

  7. describe

  8. extreme

  9. surprise

  10. twice

The children have made fantastic progress towards their reading targets this half term. Reading targets will be reset ready for the summer term.
Our Author of the month for April will be Peter Brown.

Easter Holidays Challenge!

Homework over the half term is to relax and enjoy spending time with your family and friends - you have all worked very hard this half term, rest and get ready for Summer!

Year 3 Homework- Tuesday 19th March


This weeks focus is double consonants

  1. appear

  2. disappear

  3. address

  4. difficult

  5. grammar

  6. occasion

  7. opposite

  8. pressure

  9. suppose

  10. puzzle

Please continue reading at home for 20 minutes each night. Not long left until half term - how far can you gets towards your target?

Easter Worship - The Last Supper

Please practise your lines and the Hymn below at home - our Easter Worship is on Monday 25th March at 9.15am, please join us.

Year 3 Homework- Tuesday 12th March


This weeks focus is the suffix ation

  1. information

  2. preparation

  3. admiration

  4. sensation

  5. determination

  6. publication

  7. multiplication

  8. operation

  9. animation

  10. donation

Please continue reading at home for 20 minutes each night, Most children are making good progress towards their reading targets - Remember you are able to log on at home to see the progress your child is making and see their quiz results.

Kindness/Happiness Challenge!

Can you carry out a random act of kindness this week? Can you make someone smile?
In assembly last Friday, Mrs Gregan spoke about sharing things that make us happy with other to spread happiness. Can you spread a little bit of happiness?

Year 3 Homework- Tuesday 27th February


This weeks focus is the suffix ly - changing le to ly.

  1. gently

  2. simply

  3. humbly

  4. sensibly

  5. horribly

  6. possibly

  7. terribly

  8. responsibly

  9. prickly

  10. giggly


Well done - many of the children have already starting making progress towards their reading target this half term. When was your last 100% score? Have you made it into our 100% club yet?
Please continue reading at home for 20 minutes each night, it really does make a difference.

Kindness Homework

Now we have swapped lenten boxes with our Nursery partners, what can you do at home this week to add money to our box? All money collected this year will go to CAFOD.

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 20th February


Suffix ily
happily angrily easily sensibly fussily merrily greedily heavily luckily sleepily

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 26th February


This half term we will be looking at trifold leaflets, with the intention of making our own leaflets about The Romans. Your homework this week is to find 3 facts about The Romans that you could share with the class and perhaps include on your leaflet.

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 6th February

Lenten Boxes

Over half term we would like the children to make Lenten boxes to swap with another child. The children could use a margarine tub, small cardboard box or container and decorate it how they choose. Please ensure Lenten Boxes are brought back into school by Wednesday 21st February ready to swap with a child in Nursery. Here’s a few photos of last years Lenten boxes to inspire you.

Geography (ongoing from last week)

Your challenge is to consolidate your learning about Mount Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii. We are building on the skill of communicating geographically; everyone will have the oppourtunity to share their learning with the rest of the class. We will be listening out for key vocabulary (e.g. mantle, magma, eruption, volcano, lava, ash, gas, rocks) and understanding about what happened. You can present your learning however you choose e.g. in your homework book; on Purple Mash; a news report; a poster; as a 3d model etc. Be creative, but don’t forget the learning focus.

Below are some resources to support you, click on the pictures to open the document. Parents, this event was of course devastating and I’m aware that there are photos on the internet that the children may find unsettling. I kindly ask that you monitor their research. Thank you!

You have got until Thursday 8th February to complete this challenge.


Prefix - mis
misspell misplace mislaid mislead misbehave misfortune misunderstand misunderstood mistreat misuse

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 19th February

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 30th January


In English we have started innovating and planning our own Iron Man stories. We have already created a new Iron character and a character to replace Hogarth. This week I would like the children to write a set of instructions to capture their new Iron character. It should include an equipment list, step by step instructions and a labelled diagram.


Your challenge is to consolidate your learning about Mount Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii. We are building on the skill of communicating geographically; everyone will have the oppourtunity to share their learning with the rest of the class. We will be listening out for key vocabulary (e.g. mantle, magma, eruption, volcano, lava, ash, gas, rocks) and understanding about what happened. You can present your learning however you choose e.g. in your homework book; on Purple Mash; a news report; a poster; as a 3d model etc. Be creative, but don’t forget the learning focus.

Below are some resources to support you, click on the pictures to open the document. Parents, this event was of course devastating and I’m aware that there are photos on the internet that the children may find unsettling. I kindly ask that you monitor their research. Thank you!

You have got until Thursday 8th February to complete this challenge.


prefix - super
superhero superwoman superman superglue superstar supermarket superstore supersonic superhuman superpower

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 5th February

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 23rd January


As we’ve been reading The Iron Man we’ve come across some new vocabulary. This week your homework task is to find the meaning of some of the tricky words that we will come across in Chapter 3. Use Word Hippo to find the meaning and record them on the table in your homework book.

Maths - Unit Fractions

Complete the worksheet and stick it into your homework book.


More homophones!
scene seen hear here be bee week weak plain plane

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 29th January

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 16th January

English - The Iron Man

Read the passage from The Iron man and add the missing punctuation.

Maths - IXL

L.Multiplication skill builders

3 Multiply by 2

5 Multiply by 4

9 Multiply by 8

Complete the order numbers and missing numbers tasks in your homework books.


Suffix ian
musician optician politician magician electrician mathematician beautician technician

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 22nd January

Challenge - can you put your spelling words in alphabetical order?

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 9th January


This week we have been looking at 3 digit numbers and what each digit represents in the number . Can you complete the maths in your homework book. It’s just like the work we’ve done in class

This half term we will be learning about electricity and circuits.
Watch this video and design an electricity safety poster.
How to be safe around electricity - BBC Bitesize


y that sounds like short i
mystery syllable cymbals cygnet Egypt gym pyramid mysterious hymn

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 15th January

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 12th December

History - Ongoing homework challenge due by Thursday 18th December

In History we have been learning all about the Stone Age to the Iron Age. To consolidate and celebrate your learning, I would like you to create, write or draw something you have learned. Here are some ideas…be creative!

  • Make your very own model of a Stone Age home (inspired by Skara Brae)

  • Make an Iron Age Hill Fort (we are learning about this next week)

  • Create a poster about the impact of farming

  • Film a news report about an archaeological excavation

We will share our creations on the last day of school, so make sure they are in school by then.

Christmas Songs to practise at home


no know where wear meet meat grate great bear bare

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 18th December

Challenge Can you pick the correct homophone in your book to complete the sentences? How many homophone pairs do you know?

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 5th December


In science this week we have learnt all about our digestive system and the journey our food goes on when we eat. Have a look at the bbc bitesize website here and see if you can match th pictures and information in your homework books

History - Ongoing homework challenge due by Thursday 18th December

In History we have been learning all about the Stone Age to the Iron Age. To consolidate and celebrate your learning, I would like you to create, write or draw something you have learned. Here are some ideas…be creative!

  • Make your very own model of a Stone Age home (inspired by Skara Brae)

  • Make an Iron Age Hill Fort (we are learning about this next week)

  • Create a poster about the impact of farming

  • Film a news report about an archaeological excavation

We will share our creations on the last day of school, so make sure they are in school by then.

Christmas Songs to practise at home


Silent letters
lamb length sword island should answer February salmon business strength

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 11th December

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 28th November


Today we have revisited using commas in a list. For your homework please complete the commas in a list activity by completing the sentences.


Practise your 8 times table by playing BINGO as a family. You have all got a set of 4 BINGO cards to cut out and multiples of 8 to be called out. Keep rocking on TT Rockstars too. You are making brilliant progress!


‘sh’ spelt ‘ch’
chute chef machine parachute chalet brochure charade chandelier moustache

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 4th December

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 21st November


This week we have read about the annunciation to Mary. Can you remember what happened? Think about what the Angel Gabriel said to Mary and how she felt.


IXL Counting and number patterns

3 Skip-counting by 8

TT Rockstars

Later this week we will begin learning the 8 times table. Can you challenge yourself on TT Rockstars to get yourself ready for Thursday? Remember to go onto Studio to get your Rockstar Status!


Prefix ‘sub’
subway subzero submarine subtitle subheading subsoil subdivide subtropical submerge subtotal

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 27th November

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 14th November


Can you put the speech in speech marks into writing? Remember to use speech marks and I’m challenging you not to use ‘said’!


In French we have been learing the colours - Can you colour the paint pots the correct colours?


This week the children learned that Stone Age people recorded their lives in Cave Paintings. The children have been challenged to create their own cave painting artwork to display in cloakroom area. Be creative! We can’t wait to see your creations.


TT Rockstars 20 minutes over the week.

IXL A .Counting and number patterns

1 Skip-counting by 2, 5 and 10

2 Skip-counting by 4


Prefix ‘anti’
anticlockwise antiseptic antisocial antifreeze antibiotic anticlimax antidote antivirus antibody antifungal

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 20th November

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 7th November


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.


In science we have been looking at types of teeth and their functions. Label the diagram in your book and fill in the missing words.

Maths - 4 Times Table

Please log on to TT Rocks stars and practise your times tables - We’re looking forward to moving your guitars along our TT Rock Stars display! We will be checking that everyone has logged on and practised their 4 times table. Don’t forget to put your 4 Times Table poster up somewhere at home. The more you practise, the more confident you will be!

We have been using our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help us add multiples of 10 to 100. Complete the bar models and equations in your homework books.


Prefix ‘re’
reappear rewrite recycle rebuild replay reheat replace refresh redecorate rearrange

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 6th November

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 31st October


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.


We have been looking at pictures from books and talking about what we can see - Remember ‘I can see…’ ‘Tell me more’
Look at the picture in your homework book, what questio0ns do you have about the picture? Use the question hand to help you. Remember capital letters and question marks.


We have been looking at 100! Can you split 100 into 2 equal groups? 4 equal groups? 5 equal groups?
Fill in the bar diagrams in your homework book.
Can you count in 10s to 100? Can you count back?

TT Rock stars

Please log on to TT Rocks stars and practise your times tables - We’re looking forward to moving your guitars along our TT Rock Stars display!


Suffix ‘ion’
construction invention injection collection action hesitation location exaggeration concentration education

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 6th November

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 17th October


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.

TT Rock stars

Please log on to TT Rocks stars and practise your times tables - We’re looking forward to moving your guitars along our TT Rock Stars display!

Assembly Lines

Our class assembly is the first week back after half term - please practise your assembly lines.

c sound spelt ch

chemist character chemical chaos chorus school scheme echo anchor stomach

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 30th October.

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 10th October


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.



Black History Month

Black History Month 2023 is a momentous occasion to recognise and celebrate the invaluable contributions of black women.

Each year group will be celebrating a different black woman and Year 3 will be learning about Wangari Maathai. The children have been challenged to research Wangari and be ready to share one thing they have learned about her.


Grown ups, can you set a time on the clock opposite and children can you write the time digitally? For an extra challenge, grown ups can you give some context for the time of the day, so that AM or PM can be written? For example, for the clock opposite you could say ‘At this time you’re tucked up in bed reading your book’.


plantation information explanation temptation alteration exploration accusation preservation sensation preparation

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 16th October.

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 3rd October


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.


In English this week we are looking at the features of letters and writing a letter from Mrs Bird to Aunt Lucy. Can you write a letter from Paddington to Aunt Lucy? The sheet in your book should help you remember the features of a letter. Paddington will have lots to tell Aunt Lucy, you could include - meeting the Browns, his disaster in the bath, his adventures on the underground and his shopping trip with Mrs Brown and Judy.


In Geography this week (Friday) the children will be doing a Polar Bear enquiry. They will be researching how they are adapted to living in the Arctic and the impact climate change is having on these animals. Can you watch the video together and talk about what you have learned?


Suffix ‘ture’
nature adventure capture mixture creature future picture temperature furniture puncture

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 9th October.