Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 7th November


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.


In science we have been looking at types of teeth and their functions. Label the diagram in your book and fill in the missing words.

Maths - 4 Times Table

Please log on to TT Rocks stars and practise your times tables - We’re looking forward to moving your guitars along our TT Rock Stars display! We will be checking that everyone has logged on and practised their 4 times table. Don’t forget to put your 4 Times Table poster up somewhere at home. The more you practise, the more confident you will be!

We have been using our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help us add multiples of 10 to 100. Complete the bar models and equations in your homework books.


Prefix ‘re’
reappear rewrite recycle rebuild replay reheat replace refresh redecorate rearrange

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 6th November

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 31st October


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.


We have been looking at pictures from books and talking about what we can see - Remember ‘I can see…’ ‘Tell me more’
Look at the picture in your homework book, what questio0ns do you have about the picture? Use the question hand to help you. Remember capital letters and question marks.


We have been looking at 100! Can you split 100 into 2 equal groups? 4 equal groups? 5 equal groups?
Fill in the bar diagrams in your homework book.
Can you count in 10s to 100? Can you count back?

TT Rock stars

Please log on to TT Rocks stars and practise your times tables - We’re looking forward to moving your guitars along our TT Rock Stars display!


Suffix ‘ion’
construction invention injection collection action hesitation location exaggeration concentration education

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 6th November

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 17th October


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.

TT Rock stars

Please log on to TT Rocks stars and practise your times tables - We’re looking forward to moving your guitars along our TT Rock Stars display!

Assembly Lines

Our class assembly is the first week back after half term - please practise your assembly lines.

c sound spelt ch

chemist character chemical chaos chorus school scheme echo anchor stomach

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 30th October.

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 10th October


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.



Black History Month

Black History Month 2023 is a momentous occasion to recognise and celebrate the invaluable contributions of black women.

Each year group will be celebrating a different black woman and Year 3 will be learning about Wangari Maathai. The children have been challenged to research Wangari and be ready to share one thing they have learned about her.


Grown ups, can you set a time on the clock opposite and children can you write the time digitally? For an extra challenge, grown ups can you give some context for the time of the day, so that AM or PM can be written? For example, for the clock opposite you could say ‘At this time you’re tucked up in bed reading your book’.


plantation information explanation temptation alteration exploration accusation preservation sensation preparation

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 16th October.

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 3rd October


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.


In English this week we are looking at the features of letters and writing a letter from Mrs Bird to Aunt Lucy. Can you write a letter from Paddington to Aunt Lucy? The sheet in your book should help you remember the features of a letter. Paddington will have lots to tell Aunt Lucy, you could include - meeting the Browns, his disaster in the bath, his adventures on the underground and his shopping trip with Mrs Brown and Judy.


In Geography this week (Friday) the children will be doing a Polar Bear enquiry. They will be researching how they are adapted to living in the Arctic and the impact climate change is having on these animals. Can you watch the video together and talk about what you have learned?


Suffix ‘ture’
nature adventure capture mixture creature future picture temperature furniture puncture

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 9th October.

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 26th September


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.


Please read the text “Who’s a clever girl then?” and answer the questions in your book. You could use a highlighter to find the answers (evidence) in the text, just like we did in class with our Paddington story.


Click on the clock below to practise making the time. Can your grown up challenge you to make different times e.g. half past 4 or 11 minutes to 8? You can use the picture below to help you.

TT Rock stars

Your TT Rock star log ins are now in the front of your homework books - they are the same as your numbots log ins. Keep logging on and practising your times tables, our TT Rock Stars display will soon be up in the classroom. Can you become a Times Table Legend?!


suddenly carefully accidently gently simply finally completely humbly horribly giggly

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 2nd October.

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 19th September


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.


The children have been given a worksheet to complete and stick into their homework books.


dangerous poisonous perilous mountainous venomous famous enormous hazardous jealous tremendous

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 25th September.

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 12th September

Can you identify the subject and verbs in each sentence.

Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.

This week’s spelling are
impossible immature immortal imperfect impatient unkind unhappy unwind unusual unknown
Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 18th September.

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 5th September

Science - Skeletons Reading Comprehension

In science this week we will be looking at the human skeleton. Please complete the reading comprehension activity in your homework books - this will give you a head start.

Maths IXL

Can you practise the roman numerals we have learned in class?

C.Names of numbers

9 Roman numerals I, V, X


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s will be updated this week.

This week’s spelling are

invisible disagree incomplete disapprove dislike dishonest incapable disappear independent incorrect

Year 3 final homework

We have reached the final week in Year 3! Homework this week is more organisational.

Reading books: We kindly ask that school reading books are returned to school at the start of next week. Instead of a school reading book, we ask that each child brings in a book from home that they would enjoy reading.

Plastic bag to take work books home: Please could each child bring a plastic bag in on Tuesday so that they are able to take home their wonderful work books easily.

Optional Computing task: The children were super enthused when solving this weeks tasks. There is one more challenge which I know lots of the children are desperate to complete! I have set this as a 2Do for an optional homework activity.

Year 3 Homework to be handed in 13.7.23

Spellings Revision

adding -ation to verbs






words ending in -ture






Maths IXL

T.Mixed operations

1 Ten more or less

2 Add and subtract 10 - input/output tables

This week we have been focused on finding 10 more or 10 less than a number which crosses over a hundreds boundary. In the coming week it would be helpful if you used moments such as; when in the car or when on a walk if you gave a number (see below) and asked your child to find 10 more or 10 less then the number given.

You could try the following: 10 more / 10 less than… 798, 495, 206, 603 etc


Please complete the task below ready for next week. You might want to make a poster, or use a separate piece of paper, for the research task. If so we will display these in our prayer area in the classroom.

Year 3 Homework to be handed in 6.7.23

Spelling revision

adding the suffix -ly






adding the suffix -ous








Can you collect data from 15 adults about how they travel to work and where they travel to? You have all been given a table to record your data on. You will be analysing your findings in next weeks Georgaphy lesson (Thursday 6th July), so you must have your data ready for then!

Year 3 Homework to be handed in 29.6.23

Spelling revision

adding im- to root words beginning with m or p





adding the prefix dis- and in-





IXL - Subtracting

Health and Happiness

This week and next, we are celebrating Health and Happiness fortnight in school. We would love for you to share something you have done this week/weekend that has made you feel happy and healthy. You can complete this in your homework book or on Purple Mash- I have set a 2do if you would like to use this. Remember to write in full sentences. I would love to see some expanded noun phrases and adverbs in these sentences… these two word classes have been our focus recently.

Children, at a glance this looks like a lot of homework. You should already be confident with the spellings, so don’t be put off! Please prioritise the Maths IXL learning if you’ve got a busy week. Thank you!

Year 3 homework to be handed in on 22.6.23

Maths IXL

Please complete the subtraction strands: F1, F2 and F3

English - Expanded noun phrases

This week we have focused carefully on expanded noun phrases and we are now super confident in not only identifying these, but also writing these in our stories and sentences.

Use your homework books to have a go at improving the following sentences by adding expanded noun phrases.

Ingredients for Food Tech

Miss Neves has asked that the children come to school with the following ingredients next Wednesday.

Sports day warm up!

In our obstacle race we have a tricky skipping section. Why not get out in the sunshine and practise your skipping skills. Can you do 5 consecutive skips or more?

Year 3 home learning to be handed in 15.6.23


After half-term we will be investigating our local area. Can you go on a walk around St Anne’s and email Mrs Marshall a photo of you stood next to a physical feature and a human feature?

Physical geography: the natural features and landscape of an area or country. e.g. mountains, oceans and desserts.

Human geography: how people interact with the world around them. e.g. communities, culture, how the land is used and trade links.

Maths - IXL

Please complete the following IXL skills:

B1: Comparing numbers up to 100

B2: Comparing numbers up to 1000

B3: Put numbers up to 100 in order

B4: Put numbers up to 1000 in order


We have been learning how to send emails on purple mash. It would be lovely to hear what you have been up to whilst enjoying the half term. See if you can send me an email.

Remember: First click onto TOOLS. Next click 2EMAIL. Then click 2EMAIL again. Now click on COMPOSE in the top left hand corner.

Once you have the above screen visible make sure you click ‘TO’ and add my email, do this by clicking on contacts along the right hand side of the screen and find my name. Then write your subject and your type your email. I look forward to reading what you are getting up to!

Year 3 Homework to be handed in on 25.5.23


This weeks spellings have the prefix sub-.









Maths IXL:

Great IXL last week Year 3! Can you have a go at these challenges?

CC.Understand fractions

8 Fractions of number lines: unit fractions

9 Fractions of number lines

FF. Add and subtract fractions

1 Decompose fractions into unit fractions

Maths (extra)

If you are feeling determined, can you have a go at one of the challenges below in your homework book?

Year 3 Homework to be handed in on 18.5.23


This weeks spellings have the prefix super-.











Maths IXL:

We have been learning about non-unit fractions. Have a go at the challenges below to consolidate your learning. Remember to use the STEM sentence to help you: ‘The whole has been divided into __ parts. __ of the part(s) are shaded.’

CC. Understand fractions

5 Match fractions to models

6 Show fractions: fraction bars

7 Show fractions: area models


In Geography we have been learning about famous cities and landmarks in Italy. Next week we will be learning all about Italian culture (the beliefs and traditions of the people who live there). Can you choose one (or two) of the cultural aspects below, to research. You will be sharing your fun facts with the rest of the class next week.

Year 3 Homework to be handed in on 11.5


There are no spellings to learn this week; we’ve been so busy with royal celebrations that we haven’t had chance to squeeze in our spelling lesson.

Maths IXL:

This week we have been placing multiples of 10 on numberlines. Please complete the following strands:

A4 - Skip counting by 100.

H1: Subtract multiples of 10

I1 - Add multiples of 10.

The King’s Coronation:

We want you to enjoy and celebrate the King’s Coronation. In your homework book you could dedicate a page to share what you did to celebrate, or maybe you could find out a new piece of information that we could share with the rest of the class next week? As a class we have also been asking curious questions, can you find out any answers?

Year 3 Homework to be handed in on 4.5.23


This weeks spellings have the prefix anti-.








A little bit of retrival for Computing homework this week. On Wednesday we created mindmaps (in pairs) to share the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of communication. I would like to see what you have retained from this lesson. Please find the 2Do which has been set called ‘Methods of Communication’.

The King’s Coronation!

Next week in school we will dedicating time to discover more about our new King and the coronation that will be happening on 6th May. To help get us prepared your third homework task is to learn the National Anthem ready for us to sing together during our Coronation picnic!

Year 3 Homework to be handed in on 27.4.23


This weeks spellings have the prefix -re.












This week we would like you to complete the following strands on IXL

Y.1 Compare size, weight and capacity

Y.3 Measure using a cm ruler


Please complete the 2Do which has been set for you. Remember to really focus on using the correct finger for each area of the keyboard! Write down your scores and how you found the tasks.