Year 3 Home Learning 1.7.22


  1. library

2. actual

3. actually

4. complete

5. completely

6. opposite

7. fruit

8. heard

9. heart

10. height


IXL - Time

This week please complete these IXL strands based on time: W.13, W.14 and W.15


This week we have introduced “The Spider and the fly,” the poem that we will be focused on during our final weeks. We have been thinking about the different spider characters that we are familiar with from previous stories, poems, films and songs. We found that spiders are not always fearful characters!

In your homework book can you write a top trumps card to share facts about a particular spider. This could be a particular species or a spider from a story, song or poem. When writing your card, don’t forget to showcase your wonderful writing skills. What different punctuation can you include? Can you use exciting vocabulary? What about different sentence structures?

Year 3 Home Learning 24.6.22













Please complete the job questionnaire sheet that you have taken home from school. Please try to ask at least 10 different people and find out what job they do and where they work. How do they travel to work? Please bring this sheet back to school so that we can use it in the geography lesson next week.

Read Read Read.

Read as often as you can this week so that you can quiz and try to reach your target. (Are you getting close yet?)


Practise your table facts for 2, 5, 10,. 4 and 8 times tables. Can you say them in order and out of order? How fast can you do them? Keep practising your tables facts on TT Rockstars please.

Year 3 Home Learning 17.6.22











Quiz The Iron Man

This week we finished reading our class novel The Iron Man. I know the children are itching to quiz so this is one of this weeks tasks.

Next week we will be writing our own versions of the Iron Man.

  1. Can you collect some adverbs that you might choose to include in your writing.

  2. I would also like you to write a complex sentence to describe your new character (remember mine was the Iron Bird)

IXL: Angles

Z.7 - Angles: greater than, less than or equal to a right angle

Z.8 - Angles: acute, right or obtuse

Z.10 - Parallel and perpendicular lines

Year 3 Homework 10.6.22


1. jubilee

2. monarch

3. carriage

4. serve

5. royal

6. coronation

7. celebration

8. nation

9. national

10. position

The Queen’s Coronation:

From our learning this week I would like you to do a little more research about the carriage that took the Queen to Westminster Abbey during her Coronation. After this research please go onto Purple Mash and find your 2Do called, “2Do: 2Design and Make The Coronation carriage”. Using your mouse control and creativity I would like you to recreate the cart she travelled in. I know you will enjoy this task!


Can you explain to a family member the strategies that you would use to answer these questions:

87 + 5 = 53 - 6 = 80 + 50 = 120 - 40 =

Remember your bonds to ten - these can help with all of these sums.

Think, “What could I split one of these numbers into to help me find the answer?”

Record your answers in your homework book.

Year 3 Homework 20.5.22


1. describe

2. decide

3. strength

4. address

5. possible

6. library

7. complete

8. consider

9. suppose

10.. different

Maths: IXL:

Please complete the following strands.

G1: Add multiples of 10

H1: Subtract multiples of 10

R1: Place value models - tens and ones

R2: Place value models - up to hundreds


We have been practising for our sports day. Over the half term please keep pracisting your long jump, chest passes and in particular skipping with a rope. Many of us are finding the latter the most challenging and are least confident in this. Think of how much you could improve over the next two weeks whilst on half term!

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee!

We will be celebrating this very special occasion during our first week back… learning all about the Queen and celebrating her her wonderful reign. Please take photos of any of your celebrations at home. We would love to use these as a discussion point in class and also to make a display in our classroom.

Year 3 Home learning 13.5.22


1, guard

2, friend

3. pretty

4. prettier

5. prettiest

6. woman

7. women

8. accidentally

9. occasionally

10. favourite

Maths: IXL:

Please complete the following strands.

A11. Number lines up to 1000

C4. Convert digits to words - up to 1,000

J1. Subtract multiples of 100


In class we have read how Hogarth and the farmers managed to trap the Iron man. This week I would like you to write how YOU could trap the Iron man. You could write this one of two ways. Either in full sentence. or as instructions. For example:

  1. First….

  2. Next….

  3. After that….

  4. Finally

Please complete this in your homework book.

Year 3 Homework 5.5.22


  1. half

  2. quarter

  3. build

  4. extreme

  5. actual

  6. remember

  7. minute

  8. hour

  9. separate

  10. centre

Maths: IXL:

This week I would like you to revisit understanding arrays (K.5 and K.6) and to continue to practise adding multiples of 10.

Please complete:

K.5 Identify multiplication expressions for arrays

K.6 Write multiplication sentences for arrays

G.1 Add multiples of 10


In class we discussed words that we could use to praise Jesus. These words must include one of these suffixes: ness, less, ous or ful. See if you can create a list of a few new words that we didn’t think of in class. Could you explain the meaning of one of your words to us in class next week?

Year 3 Home Learning 22.04.2022


  1. superstar

  2. superhero

  3. superhuman

  4. supermarket

  5. difficult

  6. enough

  7. question

  8. important

  9. certain

  10. probably


This week we have been introduced to the main character in our novel, the Iron man. I would like you to think about what questions you would like to ask the Iron Man. Write these questions in your homework book. Remember to use the correct punctuation when writing questions. Towards the end of next week we will hot seat the Iron man, asking him some of these questions.

Examples to get you started:

How he might be feeling…. Why is he on a cliff… What could he be searching for…


Please complete:
B1 Comparing numbers up to 100

B.3Put numbers up to 100 in order

B.5 Greatest and least - word problems - up to 100

Year 3 Home Learning 8.4.22


During the Easter break try and keep practicing these commonly misspelt words:

  1. two

  2. who

  3. which

  4. because

  5. again


Read, read and read some more! Get lost in many books over Easter and enjoy numerous adventures with many different characters! Don’t forget to quiz and strive to reach for your target (if you haven’t already).


Please make sure the following areas of IXL are completed before coming back to school:

Year 3 Home Learning 1.04.22


This week our high frequency spellings are:

  1. are

  2. said

  3. like

  4. began

  5. water

  6. find

  7. tree

This weeks key spellings:

8. believe

9. caught

10. calendar


This week we have innovated our story maps ready to write on Monday. Please could you practice and rehearse your story map so that you are very familiar with it by Monday. You may even want to add some adjectives or improve verbs if you didn’t get chance to in class. Please make sure you stick to the story though as this is crucial to our writing stage. Below you will find the original story that has not been innovated, in case you need a help in hand to remember…


Please complete the following areas over the next few weeks. We will be checking that everyone has completed them after the Easter holidays …

Year 3 Home Learning 25.03.22


This week we would like you to focus of the Year 3 spellings:

1. centre

2. accidentally

3. appear

4. actual

5. accident

6. bicycle


We have started our learning on the Romans now, and you were so keen to find out more …

Please go on to purple mash and search, by typing in at the top, ‘Roman Life Slideshow’ and the following tab will appear …

Click on it and have a read of the Roman way of life. Please could you write three of your most favourite facts, ready to share in class next Wednesday. Thank you!


Please make sure the following areas are completed for next week:

K.1 - Count in equal groups

K.2 - Identify multiplication expressions for equal groups

K.3 - Write multiplication sentences for equal groups

K.4 - Relate addition and multiplication for equal groups

Also look back at the IXL areas from last weeks homework and make sure these are completed.

Year 3 Home learning 18.3.22


This week our focus has been: adding the prefix ‘anti’. We have discovered that this tends to mean ‘against or opposite’.

  1. anticlockwise

  2. antiseptic

  3. antisocial

High frequency spellings:

4. little

5. come

6. again

7. want

Year 3 key spellings:

8. business

9. breath

10. breathe


We have been learning all about electricity here in class and have been creating simple circuits. Your homework this week is to create a poster for children, to teach them how to stay safe when using electrical equipment. You will find this homework as a 2do on purple mash.


Please complete these math’s areas on IXL:

K.1 - Count in equal groups

K.2 - Identify multiplication expressions for equal groups

K.3 - Write multiplication sentences for equal groups

K.4 - Relate addition and multiplication for equal groups

Year 3 Home Learning 11.03.22


This week our focus has been: adding the prefix ‘re’.

  1. redo

  1. replace

  2. reheat

High frequency spellings:

4. because

5. looked

6. people

7. have

Year 3 key spellings:

8. address

9. answer

10. busy


This week we have been looking at using inverted commas when using direct speech. Can you have a go at the task on Purple Mash, ‘Mark wants chicken’, it will be under your 2do’s.


The last week to complete the Maths areas on IXL :

F1 - Subtract one digit numbers

F2- Ways to subtract

F3- Write subtractions sentences

F6 - Subtractions with pictures

F7 - Write subtraction sentences based on pictures

Year 3 Home Learning 4.03.22


This weeks spellings are a variety of frequently misspelt words in Year 3. Remember to use your most favoured spelling strategy to help you.

  1. because

  2. though

  3. although

  4. through

  5. thought

  6. however

  7. enough

  8. actually


  1. Not everyone has completed these two sections, please make sure you complete IXL English DD1 and DD2 on synonyms.

  2. In your home learning books can you complete these complex sentences by adding a main clause. Remember you have to look carefully at the subordinating conjunction and what it is telling you about the time before you decide on your main clause. Remember to add your WOOSH!

    Until Year 3 have completed their work,

    Since we have started Year 3,

    Before I have my tea,

    When I get up in the morning,

    After I have done my homework,

    While I am at school,

    CHALLENGE: If you are up for it, why not choose a couple of the subordinating conjunctions to make some of your own complex sentences!


Ongoing Maths homework for the next few weeks to complete the following strands on IXL:

F1 - Subtract one digit numbers

F2- Ways to subtract

F3- Write subtractions sentences

F6 - Subtractions with pictures

F7 - Write subtraction sentences based on pictures

Year 3 Home Learning 25.02.22


This week we are giving the children some high frequency words to practice. Think about the variety of spelling strategies we have used before. Which ones were the most effective in helping you to learn your spellings? Use your preferred strategy to help you this wee.

  1. would

  2. could

  3. should

  4. there

  5. their

  6. they’re

  7. to

  8. too

  9. who

  10. how


  1. In our English lessons we have been looking at synonyms for verbs. These are other words that have a similar meaning and can make our writing more exciting to read to avoid us always using the same words. Please complete IXL English DD1 and DD2 on synonyms.

  2. This week in our story we got up to the part when the main character Clac found two strange beings- the green children- huddled together in a hollow pit. Can you draw, paint, create a picture that shows this first meeting and round the picture write the feelings of these characters. It would be great if we could use these to go around our English display!


Ongoing Maths homework for the next few weeks to complete the following strands on IXL:

F1 - Subtract one digit numbers

F2- Ways to subtract

F3- Write subtractions sentences

F6 - Subtractions with pictures

F7 - Write subtraction sentences based on pictures

Year 3 Home Learning 11.02.22


Our strategy this week is to HIGHLIGHT any SUPRISES. This will make these trickier parts stand out and hopefully be remembered.

Our sound this week is the ‘sh ‘sound spelt ‘ch’

  1. chef

  2. chalet

  3. brochure

  4. charade

  5. machine

  6. parachute

  7. crochet

  8. chandelier


Please make sure you are doing lots of reading over the holidays and make sure you are getting your quizzes done on AR Reader.

Online Safety:

This week we have been introduced to blogging and started our own class blog on the uses of the internet, the advantages, disadvantages and appropriates ways to behave and communicate online. Can you share this blog with your parents, discuss what we learnt in class and add a comment to our blog.

Year 3 Home Learning 4.02.22


This weeks spelling strategy is: Jumble Words

Using plastic magnetic letter shapes, or individual letters written onto card or paper, first spell out the word, then scramble the letters into the pile and let your child assemble the word again. As they gain confidence, you can start with the word jumbled, and even have them assemble words from a letter pile.

This week we have focused on adding the suffix -ian

  1. music - musician

  2. magic - magician

  3. electric - electrician

  4. optic - optician

  5. politic - politician

  6. technic - technician


This week the children have worked so hard on their bridging when subtracting. They have been learning the following strategy in school and need that extra reinforcement at home. We started using counters so they could visually see the two parts being taken away, so if you feel they still need this help then please feel free to use these raisons, grapes or even chocolate (good incentive!) are good substitutes.

Here are some examples to help:

In your home learning books please use this strategy to calculate the following:

14 - 6 =

15 - 9 =

13 - 8 =

15 - 7 =

12 - 8 =


This week we have continued to learn all about reconciliation. We want you to spend some time this week discussing times when you have had to ask for forgiveness and when you have had to forgive: How did you feel? How did you feel after saying sorry? How did the other person feel? How did they feel afterwards? What lessons did you learn.

In your homework book we would like you to share one of these memories, including some of the questions above… What happened? How did you feel? How did you other person feel? How was the problem resolved? How did you and your friend feel after? What lessons have you learnt?

Remember, not to include names instead you could write ‘friend’.

Year 3 Home Learning 28.01.22


Spelling strategy: CHUNK! Chunk each word into parts (not necessarily sounds) for example: act / ion… cele/ brat / ion

This week we re focusing on adding the suffix - ion.

  1. action

  2. celebration

  3. collection

  4. invention

  5. education

  6. hesitation

  7. concentration

  8. construction


Look careful at the examples below, where we are partitioning the second addend. This is one of the most efficient methods, that will help you greatly when we come to bridge over larger numbers. Then complete the calculations, setting each one out like the example below:

In your home learning books please use this strategy to calculate the following:

7 + 6 =

8 + 9 =

3 + 8 =

5 + 7 =

4 + 8 =


This week we have been learning about the human skeleton. Please have a go at the purple mash 2DO set by creating a fact sheet all about the different bones you can find in the human body.

Year 3 Home Learning 21.1.22


Our spelling strategy this week is, ‘Curly Words’

Practise each spelling by writing the word again and again to create a spiral

Our spelling rule this week is focusing on words containing ‘c’ sound spelt ‘ch’

  1. chaos

  2. character

  3. ache

  4. school

  5. anchor

  6. chemical

  7. stomach

  8. charisma


We have spent time this week reading the book, Ice Cat. Today we have have finished reading the final chapter. In your homework books please find the sheet (PDF version below) and complete the book review. Remember to use your grammar skills!


Please complete IXL K1 - Understand multiplication: Count equal groups and IXL K.2: Identify multiplication expressions for equal groups