Religious Education at Our Lady’s
““The primary purpose of Catholic Religious Education is to come to know and understand God’s revelation which is fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. In the person of Christ, the deepest meaning of what it is to be human — that we are created by God and through the Holy Spirit united with Christ in his Incarnation — is discovered.””
At Our Lady Star of the Sea we recognise that all learning is a way of becoming more human as we grow to love ourselves, love each other and love Jesus Christ. We understand that Jesus challenges us to be ‘perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect’, by the strength of our faith, hope, love and compassion. Therefore, we aspire to see ourselves and each other as ‘precious in His eyes’.
At the centre of all learning in school is Christ and Religious Education is at the heart of our curriculum, providing varied opportunities for children to become learned and wise. Lessons engage, provoke and inspire as teaching guides, supports and challenges children to become the best versions of themselves. We are guided by our 16 virtues (of the Jesuit profile) which challenge us all to be better disciples of Christ.
We know our curriculum is successful if our children leave us as religiously literate and engaged young people who have the knowledge, understanding and skills to reflect spiritually, and think ethically and theologically, and who are aware of the demands of religious commitment in everyday life.
+ Area of Study One: REVELATION
Children are led into an exploration of the revelation of Jesus Christ in Scripture and History. The revelation of God in Jesus Christ is ‘the foundation of faith’ and therefore revelation underpins all areas of study.
+ Area of Study Two: THE CHURCH
Children are led into a deeper understanding of life in Jesus Christ through the Church. The understanding of the Church as the means by which we encounter the living Jesus Christ directs all teaching and learning. The Church is defined as the universal family of God understanding her link with the Jewish people, the first to hear the Word of God. The Church is the people of God working to praise God by sharing Christ’s mission in the world.
+ Area of Study Three: CELEBRATION
Children are guided through a continually enriching celebration of the mystery of God in liturgy and prayer and come to understand the sacraments as privileged encounters with Jesus Christ. Children are taught that the whole liturgical life of the Church has the Eucharistic sacrifice at its core and that the seven sacraments touch all the stages and all the important moments of our Christian life.
+ Area of Study Four: LIFE IN CHRIST
Children are introduced to the challenges and joys of living the Christian life, understanding that it is only through Christ that we can fully live out God’s plans for our lives. Teaching and learning is focussed on the uniqueness of each person made in God’s image and likeness, having rights from the moment of conception and that through Christ the gift of eternal life is assured. Children are taught that ‘Love of neighbour’ involves respect for the religious beliefs of other people, particularly other Christians and the main world religions. Therefore, they learn that there are other Christian groups who believe in Christ, discovering more about their communities and our common beliefs.